I just blew kisses to me kitties!!♥

Feeling: glittery
Im doing absolutely nothing right now, except talking to Dennis. And..umm, listening to music...and when I blew kisses to me kitties they did not respond, they just stared blankly and started to clean themselves/or fall asleep...how sad, NO ONE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!! Sophia, Vanessa, and I made up the sexiest dance to a song from The Used. Gosh It's so good (So far)...Can't wait to finish it *GRINS BIG*!!! We are gonna write it down so we don't forget like we forget our other dances. We also want to make up a dance to Virtual Reality again, and use what we remember and like from our old dance and fill it in with more sexier and talened moves...:-) My cats are so cute when hey sleep...awwww!! I read this thing that was like a list of why guys like girls, and they forgot the one...umm cause God made it so that we would...but anywa I saw one and it said cause girls are cute when they sleep, not me! I have a picture of my sleeping and Im pale and my hair is messed up and icky! and it said we're cute when we eat....huh? what the heck does that mean?? I sure am not cute when I eat, I mean on dates I'll eat differantly, but yeah....I am a pig...everyone calls me a pig, my mom, dennis...yeah..I just love food, but dont worry I've never been over 100 lbs. BUT that doesnt mean i dont have fat, ive got some belly fat...and waaa makes my self esteem goo DOOOOOOOOOWN!! :-/ Okay, well right now Dennis and I are trying to find something to talk about like we always do cause we are so boring on AOL...ahhh well..Kay Bye Bye
Read 22 comments
Well if you think that's stupid, why did you tell a vegetarian to eat a burger? Like that's gonna happen. Great suggestion.
i noiw blink 182 is friggin awsome! haha lovin ur icon its adorable!ttyl

Well i do like Trevor (exept when he is around CODY!!!!) And i dont know why but i hope that brandon is going to school, cause like i really miss him a lot!! And do you know that Stacia and Brandon are going out cause Stacia is making brandon to go to summer school!!! And ummmm i want to go camping with you...waaaaaaa!! and for vanessa being smart its a school thing (defiantly not a friend thing, cause hse hates me)

Umm call me.. cause i havent left anywhere.. soooo i might be able to come with you to go camping
What's it your business?
You're 12 years old and you're 95 pounds? I'm like 97. It's the chicken wings. Go ahead and tell them your fat problems. They will listen. As they clog your arteries and hopefully give you a heart attack. Have a great day little one.
Dude, I have nothing better to do right now. Just getting free school credits. And making little girls kiss chicken wings that are deep fried. I bet you're fat. That's too bad. This is fun for me. You torture animals, I torture you. Watch your back.
If you think I'm so annoying or whatever, why do you keep replying to my comments? If I really didn't matter to you, you would drop it. You know you love me.

*waits for little girl to come up with some witty comeback*
Why don't you take a second look? I call bull shit on this one.
Actually, everyone has to take computers to graduate in high school. It's not being stupid. It's called getting credits in high school for making a little girl on the internet cry and to talk to her chicken wings for support. :'(
It doesn't SWELL UP. It gets full with the milk, but it's not swelling up. It's not like it's painful at all. It's to feed the calfs anyways. If people wouldn't eat them, then maybe their mothers wouldn't be so "swelled up" with milk, eh?
First of all, no, cow milk is for cow calves. Not humans. There is pus in milk by the way. And the cows utters would not swell up. I don't know where you are hearing all this from but your sources suck. Second of all, you think you know what happened to Steve? Well check this out:


Go down to number 3. Yeah. So he's dead, huh?
Well it's called friends. Don't be jelous of my comments. I'm in summerschool right now getting computer credits.
No it's not a fact. Milk does not over produce in any mammal. It is for it's young, whether it be human babies or cow babies or whatever. That's not natural unless there is something wrong with that mammal. So you can go re-look that up in your farmers encyclopedia.
Like I said, shove it.
Yeah, well why don't I eat that burger, throw it back up, freeze it into a popsicle and shove it up your cranny?
Why did you tell me to ask a dairy farmer if you got it out of a book?
I need a life? I think your the one who needs a life if you have so much free time to start shit about stuff on other people's diary. If it doesn't concern you, don't worry about it.
...reading this laughing their asses off at what you wrote. You have no idea what you're saying, do you? All little girls grow up one day.
Umm.. Actually, it is Steve's website not Blues clues.

Cool your jets there. No need to get all worked up.

Why do you talk to farmers about cows milk? And of coarse they're going to lie, they're trying to sell you a product. They will make it seem like a cow needs to be milked so you will feel like you need to drink it.

Alright, I think this is over. Stay to yourself if you don't want trouble. There are 3 people over here...
Maybe no one loves you because you think it's okay to kill animals for the sake of your tastebuds. Some humans are filthy and are probably going to hell. Looks like you're on that train right now. You say you don't know anyone who's gone to hell for eating animals? Well how do you know where they go? Exactly- you don't. It's people like you who gets rumors started about stuff that is total BS. Good luck in high school.
And first of all, I'm not vegan. Second of all, it's not weird. Maybe you don't have the discipline to do what is morally right but that doesn't mean you have to criticize peole who do. Thirdly, you obviously don't know what is good for you because you haven't done any research at all. So before you go writing stuff to people, make sure you know what you're saying, ok?