Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

Feeling: subdued
Friends [x] Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? i dont think so... [x] Pick 8 friends? only use them in your answers: Vanessa Sophia Kelsey Dennis Henry Mia Nick ...uh Brooke [x] Who is your best friend?: Vanessa, Sophia, Nick, Kelsey, Dennis, Henry, {x}Who's the one person that knows most about you?:Probably Vanessa, Sophia, and Brooke, and Kelsey {x} what's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Sophia told me like to not be so paranoid and just live in the moment :-) [x] Your favorite inside joke?: hmmm, ont really have a favorite, i wish i could remember them all...I like the robin hood mend in tights and spongeob songs and the wolf lap dancing one and the paparazzi and oh so many more :-) [x]Thing you're picked on most about?: My last name..but I dont really care anymore, and umm..Idk what else...I think some people just think of me as the smart kid..or one of the identical twins..i dont like that.. [x] Who's your longest know friend?: Vanessa, Brooke, Sophia, Nick :-) [x] Newest?: Mia :-) [x] Shyest?: uuhhh...Maybe Vanessa or Mia [x] Funniest?: We're all funny :-) [x] Sweetest?: Dennis, Sophia, Nick's a sweetie at heart [x] Closest?: Vanessa, Soso, Brooke, Kelsey, and Nick I wish but I barely get to see him :-( [x] Weirdest?: All of us :-) [x] Smartest?: Vanessa and Brooke probably and also Henry [x] Ditziest?: that bad? [x] Last person you talked to online?: Cant remember [x] Who do you talk to most online?: Sophia when she was allowed on :-( [x] Who are you on the phone with most?: Kelsey and Sophia [x] Who do you trust most?: Vanessa, Brooke, Sophia, and Nick... [x] Who listens to your problems?: Vanessa and Sophia [x] Who do you fight most with?: Vanessa =-O [x] Who's the nicest?: ehh...we're all niiice [x] Who's the best singer?: I would have to say Soso cause she's the only person who sang to me that I can remember [x] Who's your second family?:, uuh...Sophia's? lol..although they are already par of my family :-) [x] Who you serectly in love with: lol..uh..NICK OKAY I ADMIT IT!!!!! lol, no he's my secretly in love with Vanessa and Sophia :-)..okay maybe Nick..:-) lol [x] Who is your best friend for life: Uuh, Vanessa, Sophia, Brooke, Nick, Kelsey, Dennis, Henry...Mia..Oh thats all :-) [x] who has the most attitude problem: Probably Sophia when she gets mad, but I do the same as her, so thats a two answer question [x]Who have you dated: Dennis I LOVE ALL OF MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read 6 comments
go u
Ok..i will call you!! and i defiantly cant call you this week, cause i am going to connecticut and New York.. till next friday/saturday!! soo i will probably call you next sunday, to do something. and you dont like my brother!! WOWZERS!! and duh!! i already knew we needed a sleep over (cause i miss you) and ok we can talk about your emotional problems!!!! I will call you next sunday!! LOVE YA!! I will miss you until sunday!! haha
Val.. you know whats weird.. i kinda have this feeling that i like brandon
:- ..i dont want to like him (he smokes pot, marijuana, and weed) he does drugs and stuff but he is really sweet!! But i dont want to like him..!! I just want to be friends, i hope he is going to school though! Cause that would be awesome! YEY! I kinda still like him.. i think bout him all the time.. and but i dont want to..! OMG! Its like the nastiest thing, i like him
I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!

love always,
tell your friend froggiewoggie that pot, marijuana, and weed are all the same thing...
heheheh you hate me hahahahaha