half day

Feeling: useless
today was a half day b/c of the snow storm that we're suppose to get but it hasn't even started snowing yet and it's 1 o'clock already but when it does start to finally snow we'll proabably have off tommorrow and possible Wednesday too that would be nice :P only have to go one and 1/2 days this week b/c we're the hick school and we have off for dairy day but thats when we're going to Hunter o yeah 8-) can't wait :P
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I have to tell you how insanely stupid I am.

You know all those times when I've wanted to shove my foot in my mouth?

Add them all together, multiply by 10 and you still woudln't get how I feel now.
oh man u ppl have a lotta snow days!! where do u live? and how much snow is needed for a snow day?
whats up chelle....wondering were u are...oh well ur not on..ill ttyl i guess...cya