Listening to: eddie izzard not music.
Feeling: abused
I had to work today for a few hours. Ten I came home and ad to mow the yard before the sun went down. ad to see some friends and call a few more. I don't know how I do it all. I left some jokes on someones commnts page, but forgot who's page I left thm on. lol I wanted to see what People thought about them. I feel lonely and abused right now but more abused. or maybe abnormally used? whatever. I am bored out of my skull. Wish I was at least high. Lack of funds really sucks. Friday will be Fried day. :P I love payday. My frinds that stopped talking to me do to my brother are now talking to me since I found them some weed. I am totally ood for being used. I love you all. later
p.s. Any guesss on what I am yet?
And yea, I love the darkness too.. Its awesomely awesome... mmm... biting...
Nope, havent figured it out.. Is there a prize if someone guesses?