
Feeling: annoyed
I just checked my e-mail, and I got yet another ridiculous forward. Ugh. They annoy the crap out of me. Sure, a lot of them do have pretty good messages in them, but I hate the whole "send this to 15 people and your wish will come true." That's just ridiculous! Absolutely absurd. Re-dunk-a-dunk. Do people actually believe that? If they do they're more gullible than I am! And that's just sad for them! ...And I just totally dissed myself. Nice Em, nice. Anyway! So, I totally can't stand these things, yet, for some reason I can't help but forward them on. Why is this?! It's so stupid! I don't even believe it any way. Perhaps it's cause they often say interesting things. I don't know. "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier." On this note, I bid you adiu. (I hope that's how it's spelled. If not, then I feel like a dork.)
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Grrr! So this forward that you had to send, was then sent to me. I got it from Cat. Grr. Hehe. Nah, it's okay. I've had it before but it was cute. I used to always be the same way as you till I realized I just didn't really care. Anyway, hope everything's going well.
Em, whether that's how you spell it or not (i have no idea as well), you are still a dork... believe me...