Senior Sadness

Feeling: lousy
Last night I went to bed at 9:00 (it was amazing! 9 hours of sleep!). But as I was lying there trying to fall asleep all of a sudden I started thinking about all my friends and how after graduation I might not see some of them for a really long time, and some of them maybe never again. I got uber sad, and I kinda got a little...emotional. Thinking about it now is hard too. But I was just thinking about how much that is going to suck. And yeah, I know I'll make new friends, but I love the ones I have right now! I'm excited to make new friends, but I'm not excited to lose the ones I have now. And I know that I'll probably stay in close contact with my closest friends, so I'm not too worried about them, but I am worried and sad about my friends that I'm not uber-de-duber close to, and ones that I've made this year. What's going to happen next year? I've met so many cool people and I don't want to lose them! :( I'm especially worried about all the friends I've made in Montana. Those kids are awesome, and what's going to happen when Carrie goes to college in Missouri next year? My connection to them will be severed, at least with some of them. That sucks. A lot. True, Carrie's family will still be there, so during summers I could probably go visit Care in Montana. But still. It just really sucks. At least I'll be able to see some people when I come back to Rosco for breaks and stuff. But what about after college? My parents occasionally (and by occassionally, I mean like, every couple years) talk to like, one of their friends from high school. How sad is that?! And my brothers and sister, who have only been out for a few years, only talk to a couple of their friends. I don't want to be like them. I want to stay in contact with my friends, and see them at least a couple of times a year. And like, Justin, when he becomes famous is he gonna turn into a total jerk and not talk to any of us from high school? Cause that would totally not be cool. I think I would kick him in the face if he's like that, especially cause he'll have to talk to me sometimes because I'm going to be the author of his biography (The I Hate Justin D Club--look for it after he makes it big). Wow. I just realized that I'm freaking out about things that I shouldn't be freaking out about. I should just enjoy this year and summer, and then let the future happen, and do everything I can to stay close to my friends. Ok. It'll be ok. Being a senior is pretty cool sometimes, but not when you realize what you lose in the whole thing. ...Of course, I should probably also realize that I'll be gaining things too. *Sigh* Growing up...It kinda sucks sometimes.
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hmm, eh, what can ya do, i think it will be significantly more fun doing what you want in life then being able to stay in contact with your old friends, -nathan-
Growing up does suck. But it's kinda nice at the same time. I realize I've only been away for a semester now but I still talk to my friends. Katie, Krystyna, Nina and I all keep in touch and I still talk to my old high school friends as well. Plus I talk to Nicole and Kourtney and Cassie Fisher even and she's been out for a while. If you guys are truly friends and want to stay in touch, you'll be able to do it. You'll grow apart a bit but you'll
still be there for each other. Plus you'll be meeting new friends. As bad as it is, you get new friends and new experiences and sometimes you honestly don't realize that you're becoming distant from people. But if you keep it in your mind and make an effort, it's totally possible. My brother has been out for 5 years and he still hangs out with his best friends from high school. So I guess it depends on how much you want it really. I felt the same
emi i'm not reading this it's really long! lol