I'm not o- fucking-kay

Feeling: jazzed
can i tell you something?it's a secret...okay it all started way back in the summer of grade 9[going into grade 10]I became addicted to Oxyconten...just as sure as crystal was becoming addicted to crack...yes I've had my problems...but I've gotten over them I've conquered bulimia,ecstacy,cutting, just as sure as I've conquered Oxy's...I pwomith...OMGush!...my summer school math class is in an eastdale science room...I stole a pipe[for weed] out of the cupboard a glass cutter,filter paper, lotsa little funnels, a squeezey thinger, a stir rod, and more....plus cody stoled...4.5 bongs out of the cupboard...me and jen are like wonder who the stoner's are in this school...the science nerds!...lol...I'm gonna test out my pipe...tomorrow...at one of the breaks...gosh it was soooo extremely hot...in that class-room...then we sung the elliot moose theme song at the end of the day...to conclude our studies!lol...fun times...I'll never forget-cassiexox♥
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added ya darling. YAY! lol.

xoxo Chelle
Im not worried and thats good that youve quit at least all the really bad ones..ur making progress..lol..so you got a bf?
xox em
im proud of you cutie..=P
xoxo em
yes we have nicknames for each other...woo lol.

love reniX
lol I'll add ya. for right now it's www.myspace.com/6673763
Notice the "66---6-" in it? lol.
We shall get those beavers yet. lol. xoxo Chelle.
Here's the right url...lol. it's been fixed actually. lol.

haha anytime...so you dunt have a bf? any guys you have ur eye on..er just really dunt care ryte now?