So.. as of 4/20/06..i am officially...
thats right =] and i am the happiest person in the world. its funny how things work, i never ever thought in my life i would be happy agian after everything thats happened.
its great. i love it so much. i just want to scream and tell the whole wide world. i dont want anything to ruin this feeling ever.
hey yeah the last entry was sadd and if you read it well amber is doin much better now. shes not completly over it but shes gettin there.
here is a pic of me and my b/f timmy♥
he is such a sweetheart today was our 1 month.
things have been so better lately. everything i just lookin up and i am the happiest ive ever been. it feels so great. i love it.
but its gettin late so i must be off
so yeah i havent been on this thing in forever. im never home or online so its sorta hard to keep this updated so-yeah
this past week has been a really hard week for everyone. i missed school today to go to a funeral. =[ my good friend out here, Amber was 7 months pregnant, but she went into labor early because the baby died. it was 1 pound 3 ounces and 12 inches long, they named it Madeline. idk what to do, i feel so bad for her. she was so excited about having this baby. she would pass the daycare at school and be like "my baby will be in there soon!" me and her n everybody would kid around saying that we all had an affair with her and that the baby was all of ours. We all said that the baby was going to have Ambers nose and Amber got to hold it and it did. =[
Madeline R. Yoder
March 14,2006
thats my baby brother, Evan Joseph.
damn. i hate regret.
im fuckin heartbroken and fuckin depressed and pissed off.
but for once i dont care.
im tired of it.
i havent written in this thing in like almost a month its crazy. but i probably will be writing in it more often now because thats right i am grounded. meaning no going anywhere except school and the bitch took my phone away.
i cant wait to move back to my moms. i have been calling her everynight, she has been like my savior. i never thought the day would come where i would rather live with the asshole then my dad. but damn, my dad aint mean or anything he is just straight up ANNOYING. and he stresses me out so bad, sometimes it feels like he wants me to fail because thats all he ever talks about is me not succeeding and blah blah blah. everytime he tells me that i just call up my mom.
and i dont know what to do about mikey anymore he is so confusing. i hate how i love that boy so much
and then DANNY was flirting with me really badly today and i want that kids body so bad. everytime i see him, i just want to bang him more and more. damn.
boys boys boys
...His lips are like vodka
&& i want to get wasted
i dont know how to put how i am feeling in words. and i woud normally put it into a song but i cant seem to find one that fits.
this is like partly what i am feeling..
Did I ever tell you that I really love you and I think about you all day? I really miss you and wish I could kiss you, but why are you so far away? Since you've been gone, I've thought over and over about you inside my head and where I went wrong, where I went wrong. Every day, I've been thinking a lot about all of the things you'd say since I went away, since I went away... I guess I could call you and ask you "How are you?" but I really don't have much to say... I sit all alone and I stare at the phone and I hope that you're doing ok.
The Ataris Alone in Santa Cruz.
this one also kinda,idk partly..
I'm falling down
And you're not here to break my fall
I shut my eyes when you're around
I hold my breath to kill the sound of your voice
I'm falling down.
And you're not here to break my fall
Thursday-How Long is the Night
i wish i could like express myself in my own words but everytime i try it doesnt come out right.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: aww i feel special
Demoboy315: knowing that i made u feel special just makes my day
sometimes i really miss him
so yea THIS BOY...
he isnt my mikey
but he still owns my heart
he has been there for me, no matter what
he knows how to make me smile and i miss that
he just got out of JDC and he wants to come and see me but he has no way of getting here and uggh i need him right now
so yea i got a brand new camera
and my favorite one was from billy, itsa french tickler condom!!! hehehehehehehe!!
i love it
and i almost got kicked out of class today cuz i run my mouth to much !!
im bored and i stole this from brandi =p
What time is it? 9:44
Do you have a name? no .. hehe its jade
Any nicknames? honda (dont ask) jadeypoohh, jadeakisss and some other ones i forget
Do you honestly like any of them? i guess...
How about your birthday? nov 28
And that would make you how old? 16
How old do you wish you were? 21
How old do you act? 2
Names of the people who gave you said life (your parents)? Scott and Heidi
How much do they suck? a lot
how bout your pets? oooh i miss them =[
Got any siblings? 1 bro and another on the way and 2 sisters plus a stepbro + sis
Bet you'd rather just have the pets, huh? no, id be lost without my siblings
Where were you born? southbridge,mass
Place you currently bless with your presence? goshen indiana
Who do you live there with? my dad
What color is your bedroom? some color
Describe your bed to me ( know...future reference...*wink*): lmao, idk its a mattress
How do you sleep (on your side, back, stomach, standing up, etc)? however i passout
Do you snore? sometimes
Do you talk in your sleep? no not really
How do YOU know? because im cool like that
What's your school called? goshen high school
What the hell kind of name is that? a name?
What grade are you in? im a junior
Do you actually like any of the subjects taught there? eh, there not bad
There must be a whole lot more that you don't like though: ughhh i HATE math and social studies
Hows the school food taste? pretty fuckin good, thats y i go to school. i love there food
How bout your teachers? don't you just HATE them? blah mr bennett sucks
What's your eye color? blue sometimes green
Glasses/contacts/laser correction? glasses
Current hair color? red sorta
Natural hair color? blonde
Hair texture (curly, straight, wavy, afro)straight
Height? 5'4"
Weight(ish)? idk ive gained i know that
Build (skinny/fat/in-between/body builder/anorexic/bulimic)? i am pleasently plump!
Skin tone (tan, pale, black, ahh shit wheres my sunglasses)? tanish
Who do you look like (mom, dad, grandparents, the dog)? def. my mom. everyone says we look like twins
Ever paint your nails? sometimes
What is your greatest vanity? my hair
Do you like yourself? on occasion
Why/why not? cuz im stupid
Jewelery you wear most/all the time? bracelets
Do you have any piercings? yes
If yes, where are they? ears and soon to be tounge and nose and eyebrow
i think you need more.
Pick a random scar, what'd you do and was it stupid? umm i have a scar on my hand because i went to go stick a fork in the brownies and didnt realize my hand was touching the top of the stove until i felt it lol
Righty or lefty? righty
How about tattoos? got any of those hidden up your sleeve (or, you know, anywhere else)? soon
you disappoint me.
Ever broken any bones? no
How'd you manage that? i didnt
What's your heritage (scottish, italian, german, eunuch, etc)? fuck if i know
Play any instruments? no,not enough of an attention spand to learn
Hey so whats your screenname? BANG x BANG 0,xxjadexgemxx and skittlesnbeerx69
Huh, weird... whats that mean? idk i made them up
Do you like the color black? yep
How about light pink? sure
Now that we've distinguished the goths and the about the rest of you, whats your favorite color? green
Favorite number? 14
Favorite game? pong all the way
favorite cellphone game? Blackjack
Favorite "haunt" (place to hang out) ambers house, or bobs house.
Favorite store? um the ones you shop in..?
Favorite animal? elephant
Favorite month? november
Favorite season? summer and spring
Favorite holiday? halloween
Favorite food? everything
Favorite non-alcoholic drink? mountain dew
Are you a vegitarian? sorta i dont eat red meat
Vegan? no
Ever tried to be one and had it not work? no not really
What kind of clothes you wear? ummmm the ones in the closet
What are you wearing right now? a shirt and some comfy pants
What's your favorite brand? whatever i buy idc
Favorite clothing store? um wherever i happen to shop
Clothing store(s) that should be burned to the ground and its creators rounded up and shot? abercrombie or american eagle
Do you like going to the mall? hell yea
What size shoe do you wear? 8-9 1/2,
What shoes did you wear today? my flip flops
Which one do you put on first? w/e one i happen to pick up first
Ever had the urge to just rip one of those shoes off and beat someone with it? fuck yea ::cough erica cough cough::
Ever actually done it? yes but not to erica
Whats your favorite kind of movie? comedy or horror
Favorite actor? johnny depp
How bout actress? natalie portman,rachel mcadams
Whats your all-time favorite movie (difficult i know)? idk
Ever had a movie make you cry? the notebook
What was the last movie you saw in a theatre? willy wonka
Was it any good? it was effin hilarious
How bout t.v.? what do you like to watch? or are you one of those people that lives under a rock and doesn't watch t.v.? that 70s show and family guy and futurama
Favorite music style? watever i feel like
Favorite band(s)? shinedown
Favorite singer? um idk
Favorite song at the moment? black eyed humps
Do you have an all-time favorite song? i have a lot
Last song you listened to? photograph
Do you have a job? no...but i put in an application at tonys
How much money is in your wallet/piggy bank/sock drawer/wherever? 5 bucks
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? buy i huge house and lots of things idk
Well now that we know who the stoners are (hint: theyre the ones who would buy drugs with that million dollars) just how many drugs HAVE you done? some
How great were they? pretty sweet
Have you ever smoked? yep
Drank? yeah
Have you ever actually been drunk? yeah
If you have, did you get a hangover? yea dude i totally had one on sunday going to church, it sucks
How much did that suck? very much
Whats your favorite alcoholic drink? vodka
Do you swear? fuck no ima fuckin angel 0=]
Have you ever wanted to die? at times
Why didn't you? because of my sisters and my brother and my friends
Ever hurt yourself? yeah...
Why? because i did
What's your greatest fear(s)? fuckin clowns, i fuckin hate them, and being alone
Why? clowns because ugghh, childhood thing long story
alone because its just aloneness
lets take a look into your love life (not that you have one)
Marital status?single and living it up
What's your boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wifes/fuck buddys name? sarah is my wife
Like anyone? sure
Orientation? straight
Homophobe? HOMOPHOBE-insecurity about being heterosexual... i am not a homophobe. i love gays bis and lesbians !!
Who is the hottest person EVER? me have bad taste.
Love or lust? both of them, there both great.sometimes. im kinda leaning more towards lust
Ever been in a relationship? yeah
Ever been dumped? yeah..
cant say i blame them.
Ever had your heart broken? pshh my whole life is on big broken heart but its high school what do u expect
Who broke it? people..mikey,danny, name a few
Ever been called a tease? lol all the time
If yes, was it justified (did you deserve it?) - lol maybe ..
First kiss you ever got? dont really want to remember
Last person you kissed? chris
EWW, you kissed them? what the hell were you thinking?! idk!
Ever made out with a stranger? yes lol it was great
Ever made out with anyone? yeah...
Ever made out with a member of the same sex? yeah
Virgin? no
yeah, right.
You ever want to get married? eh, maybe
To who? someone
HA, like you'd ever have a chance with them.
Ever wanna have kids? ..blah kids. of course i want them
How many? 2
Got their names picked out yet? idk yet
Ok, so in a love interest, whats your favorite...
Hair Color? brown
Eye Color? blue/hazel
(Their)Music Genre Preference? dont matter
Height(estimate)? tall
Age? no older then 18 no younger then 15
Personality Type? funny, they have to make me laugh
Older or Younger then you? older
Romantic or Horndog? a little of both
Smart or Stupid? smart
Fat or Skinny? not too fat, but not too skinny
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular? thin and muscular
Punk or Preppy? punk
The Big Picture or the Little Things? little things
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present? flowers/candy
Mixtape or Burned CD? burned cd
Emotional or Just Not? in between
Sincere or Jokester? jokester, with a side of sincere
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet? ugly and sweet
Sexy or Just "cute"? i like cute
Ass or Abs? abs
Hair or Hands? hair
Dimples or Eyes? eyes
(on guys) Clean Shaven or Scruffy? i like scruffyneesss
Rugged or Prim and Proper? rugged
Countryboy/girl or Cityboy/girl? country boy
Date alone or With Friends? dont matter
Have you ever liked hanging out with your boyfriends/girlfriends friends more than them? eh. not really
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better? umm..once
Do looks matter? not really.
Are you honestly scared of being dumped? yes
Does size matter? its not the size of the wand its the magic in the stick
ok, enough about you, you egotistical jerk. lets move on.
How are your friends? theyre fuckin awesome
Who's your best friend(s) ever? jessica,heather,kaykay,sarah
Describe them to me please: jessica is fuckin hilarious, no matter what we are always cracking up. heather is my sex partner and kaykay is my campbuddy lol (when the four of us get together, omg i laugh until i cry) and sarah is my wife
Who would you trust with your life? any of my friends
Who would you not trust with a pencap? lol idk
Would you die for any of your friends? yes
Which ones? any of them, i love my friends
Which of your friends is the shiest? none of them
Loudest? heather
Weirdest? kaykay
Meanest? HAHA that would be sammy Erica: Sammy can i have a hit of your cig? Sammy: NO erica: why? Sammy: because i dont like you
Most annoying? Larie, i love her, but she gets on my nerves sometimes
Most caring? they all care
Who do you talk to the most on the phone? umm danny or jess
Who always seems to get you in trouble? fuckin jessimaca!!! lol history class
Who has seen you cry? all of them i think
Who is your most attractive friend (come on, everyone has that friend that they can't stand to be around sometimes, but they hang out with them anyway cuz theyre hot)? Jasmine, she is soo effin pretty even being pregnant she is still so god dan gorgeous, i love her though
If you had to choose just 3 people to be with you when you died, who would it be? hard one.. but it would be heather jess and kaykay because i just love them
Who have you known the longest? geez i dont know tisha i think
Who of your friends do you fight with the most? erica, in fact were not speakin at the moment
Do you have any friends that you haven't ever gotten in a fight with? i dont think i have ever been in a fight with sarah or kaykay or jess..or idk a lot of them
Do you even have any friends? yes!
Are you lying to me? no !
yeah ok, keep telling yourself that.
Which of your friends do you have the most in common with?idk
Which of your friends is the least like you? idk
Which of your friends has bad taste in guys/girls? jessica..omg jason! EWWWW
pssh, you're just saying that cuz they won't date you.
Ok, i know you love them...but which of your friends is a total idiot? lol were all idiots
Alright, how bout enemies? anyone you just cant STAND? lots of people
Bet that shoe would be handy right about now eh? definetely
If murder was legal...who would be dead? erica
Ever had one of those annoying people you barely know who hang all over you and won't leave you alone and refuses to take the hints you drop? yes!
who are they? what are their names? what do they look like? ...i'd like to congratulate them.
ok, let's have some fun now.
1). your porn star name (name of your first pet + street you live on): i dont remember the name of my first pet!!
2). your movie star name (grandfathers first name + favorite snack food): Jackson Kudos
3). your fashion designer name (first word you see on your left + your favorite resturant): Travel Tonys
4). your foreign name (favorite spice girl + last foreign vacation spot): sporty canada
5). your socialite name (silliest nickname + first town where you partied): honda holland
6). your fly guy/girl name (first initial + first three letters of your last name): J.Fra
7). your dectitive name (name of favorite animal + name of your high school): Elephant Goshen
8). your barfly name (last snack food you ate + your favorite alcoholic beverage): cheetos smirnoff
9). your soap opera name (middle name + first street you lived on): not telling
10). your rockstar name (favorite candy + favorite musicians last name): im drawing blanks
11). your "Popular" name (favorite celebrity's first name + best friend's street name): i dont know my best friends street name!
12). Your opposite sex name (name of opposite sex friend + cell phone company you use): mikey verizon was it? did you enjoy it? umm...sure?
what do you think of me? eh annoyin kinda
liar. you love me. NO
what time is it now? 10:39
and im done with that
im tired and sick
and i ABSOLUTLY hate people who talk shit
i decided something, i am done with relationships for awhile
there too painful
so for the time being i am done with them
so today is the last day of fall break =[
it saddens me because ive had so much fun and i dont want to go to school tommorow
and these past couple of days have been very memorable
hehe i swear im an angel
but anyways
BRANDI! listen to me, i love you, now do what i tell you!!
things will work out just listen to your mother! lol
just thought i would inform everybody how great sex is!!
1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find
that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes.The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.
4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up.It stretches and tones up just about every muscle inthe body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!
5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It
releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
6. The more sex you have, the more you will be
offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.
8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose.Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
keep that in mind ;]
Demoboy315: We are gonna get naked...
Demoboy315: Then im gonna spread peanut butter all over you,and make you go out and run around and bark at
people like a molested poodle,then im gonna come and smack your ass with a rolled up newspaper and say BAD GIRL come inside so i can punish you
Demoboy315: THEN...
Demoboy315: Ill get the big mexican guy named Pablo come over for a threesome,and we will go in the room were i will proceed to kiss you while pablo sadamizes me with a two litter bottle of sprite.I stop kissing you in favor of pablo,and we start going at it on the floor by your dads bed while you watch in jealousy and amazement while I ram my huge beef stick into Pablo's brown eye,while he yells "SI SI MAS TICKLE ME ELMO!!! SI SENIOR!!!!!!!"
Demoboy315: Then i go out and smoke a cigarette,
haha that was mikey
he is such a loser
me and danny are going out now¢¾
...but i did a bad thing...
..ireallybad thing
why does tonight, have to end?
why don't we hit restart,
and pause it at our favorite parts.
we'll skip the goodbyes.
if i had it my way,
i'd turn the car around and runaway, just you and i.
so me and danny broke up which is pretty shitty, he was the hott emo boy that i always wanted.
yea i liked him a lot, and we were like the same person on the inside, it saddens me that i lost him
but its all my fault. because i am a cheater and a stubborn impacient person and i take things for granted.
i had i great guy and i cheated on him with more then 1 person.
although he still doesnt know about that i feel so shitty.
but its also shitty how he gets drunk and has his ex girl call me at ten in the morning to wake me up and tell me that its over between me and him, then cry for 3 hours, finally get courage and call him and he tells me that its not over and that he was drunk and didnt mean it and then says that he needs to think about things and that he would call me back, then doesnt call me back and i had to work at 530 so i called him and he was drunk
NOT TO MENTION the fact that i call him the next day and says he is still thinking and i haaddddd to have my answer right then so he says were broken up for the moment until he thinks about things and then i find out that he is going back out with his exgirl, after he told me he wanted to be with me and not her more then anything and that he didnt think he had and chance with me and thats why he went out with her in the first place and not me!
wow that was a load off my mind
i saw him the day after that and as soon as i saw him walk in i buried my head in johns sweatshirt. and i didnt look at him once. and he came up to my group of people and i cant even explain how i felt
then afterwards i cried and cried because i realized how much i just wanted to see him and when i could, i didnt
everything is so confusing.
AND i went to a haunted house/forest and i have the BIGGEST fear of clowns, i hate them, ever since i was a kid and when we were in the forest, there was a clown and he kept stalking me and i buried my head in my dads sweatshirt and everywere i went he was there and i just cried and i was so scared and it was so horrble and then finally he came up to me and i was alone because my dad wne t ahead but i wouldnt go because the clown was there and he came up to me and i was crying in the corner of the maze and he took off his mask and he apologized to me. and i was like i have a huge fear of clowns and i really hate them, and he was like im sorry i didnt know you were crying and he let me go.
and then i ended up talkin to him afterwards and he apologized agian and his name is travis and he is pretty cute lol but he is 20
but it was soo horrible.
imma badd badd girl =]
so ya to whoever left that comment, im not in that picture
this is me
but anyways
i did a sinful thing
i um almost had sex with this guy (danny)
who um is my friends boyfriend.
i know i know
it was wrong
but he started it!
and! she cheated on him before that!!
so yea
but it was sooo awesome
he is like orgasmicly hott
and i did another bad thing
I gave mikey a cigarette and he took my last one, and in return, he is coming over next week =x
and i did another bad thing
well i havent done it yet
but im sleeping over dannys house this weekend
im sorry! i know im bad
i just cant help myself
Dramatic Evan: WOOOOO!
xxJ a dexG e mxx: woooo!
Dramatic Evan: WHEEEEE!
xxJ a dexG e mxx: wheeeee!
Dramatic Evan: TAHAHA
xxJ a dexG e mxx: ....pssst.... why are we wooooooing and wheeeeing and tahahaing?
Dramatic Evan: (Pss...)I don't know.
Dramatic Evan: WHEEE WOO TAHAHA!
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yes!
xxJ a dexG e mxx: tehe?
Dramatic Evan: That's not the way to go!
Dramatic Evan: Freak out!
Dramatic Evan: FREAK OUT!
Dramatic Evan: YES!
Dramatic Evan: *Whips out belt* ...
Dramatic Evan: *Didn't know where he was going with that one*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: *thinks* hmmm
xxJ a dexG e mxx: make a sammich?
Dramatic Evan: *Gets out bread, ham, cheese, and lettuce* *Piles them all on, sticks other piece of bread on*
Dramatic Evan: *Whips the hell out of the sammich*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: *thinks* your forgot the most important part
xxJ a dexG e mxx: what about the lonely pickles? you left them in the fridge, and there all crying and emo now, they want to get beaten by the belt too
Dramatic Evan: They get the special treatment *Takes out a long rubber glove and some lubrication*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yes *excitement*3
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yes 3! wooo typo
Dramatic Evan: 'OPE! These pickles have prostate cancer.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: oh no *cries*
Dramatic Evan: Woah... icecubes are so beautiful inside juice.
Dramatic Evan: You ever realize that?
xxJ a dexG e mxx: nope
Dramatic Evan: All condensed, then slightly spread out (The air, that is) near the end.
Dramatic Evan: (Sorry, kind of... whatever today. ^-^)
xxJ a dexG e mxx: man,your making me so thristy
Dramatic Evan: So *Licks lips* tasstey.
Dramatic Evan: With all that... juicey...juice...
Dramatic Evan: Strawberry Kiwi ... *Moan*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: ohh the tortureeee
Dramatic Evan: *Smacks lips together after ever sip*
Dramatic Evan: *Sigh* Mmm mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Dramatic Evan: *Chokes on an icecube*
Dramatic Evan: *Of course, erotically, as to make you want juice. Duh*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: *laughs*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: *points and laughs*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: muahahaha
Dramatic Evan: Have you ever choked on an icecube though?
Dramatic Evan: It's really cool...
Dramatic Evan: Well, it's not COOL cool, but it feels cool.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: its like the best feeling ever
Dramatic Evan: Well duh.
Dramatic Evan: Almost as great as having large objects thrown at your face.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: do u know what is the best feeling ever
xxJ a dexG e mxx: visine
Dramatic Evan: Yes
Dramatic Evan: Especially if your eyes are extremely dry -.o
xxJ a dexG e mxx: oh yes, i put thats stuff on like crwazyyy
Dramatic Evan: I used to, because of my allergies, but now I have medicine for that.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: thats good
Dramatic Evan: The medicine makes me boring though...
Dramatic Evan: Since it's non-drowsy, yet it's all "MINDF*CK!"
xxJ a dexG e mxx: oh no
Dramatic Evan: Since your brain doesn't WANT to be drowsy, yet you aaare.
Dramatic Evan: It's like wanting to go left after getting hit in the right side of the brain or something.
Dramatic Evan: You can't, but you want to.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yes
xxJ a dexG e mxx: so how are you on this fine evening?
Dramatic Evan: Quite happy, in fact.
Dramatic Evan: Just got back from... ... O_O
Dramatic Evan: What did I ju--A DANCE
Dramatic Evan: Except I was just helping out there.
Dramatic Evan: So I sat there and had random Junior High students come up and ask for waters.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: awesome
Dramatic Evan: Made me feel all fuzzy on the inside knowing I GAVE THAT KID WATER!
Dramatic Evan: She was thirsting, and nearly dying! But there I was, and for a small fee of a single dollar, SHE COULD LIVE!
xxJ a dexG e mxx: i just got off work, i had to help little kids rollerblade and then after that i watched all the teenagers fall on there ass
xxJ a dexG e mxx: and i got to blow my whistle and feel all important
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yes! your like a savior now
Dramatic Evan: *WHISTLE* "What was I doing wrong?"
"You blew the whistle"
"Oh... that... Shutup, keep skating. Stupid"
xxJ a dexG e mxx: haha yes thats was so me
Dramatic Evan: Did you call any of them twits?
xxJ a dexG e mxx: but now my feeties hurt
Dramatic Evan: Because I always wanted to go, "TWIT!" to a random younger peer.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: no, damn, i should have
Dramatic Evan: "TWIT! *Backhand* TWIT!"
Dramatic Evan: Makes you sound British...
xxJ a dexG e mxx: bad squishy *SLAP*
Dramatic Evan: Oh yes, they're squishy. Oh so squishy.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yup
xxJ a dexG e mxx: damn *walks away* squishhyyyyyyy *poke*
Dramatic Evan: Hahaha.
Dramatic Evan: Brrrzuuum.
Dramatic Evan: So tired
Dramatic Evan: I'm going to go to sleep
Dramatic Evan: And all that "fun" stuff.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: sounds like a plan
Dramatic Evan: You know, LIFE WOULD BE EASIER if we didn't need sleep
Dramatic Evan: *Mumbles some long, stupid rant as he tears off his clothes and collapses into bed*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: but life without sleep? i couldnt live
Dramatic Evan: You'd learn to?
Dramatic Evan: You'd have more time.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: thinks*ooolala*
Dramatic Evan: Days would run together.
Dramatic Evan: Clubbing would be so fun!
xxJ a dexG e mxx: true
Dramatic Evan: As well as.. school would go by faster.
Dramatic Evan: Done with college at age... 18.
Dramatic Evan: But eh, humans will be humans. Still wish I was an insomniac.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: ok,true. but that takes alot of energy
Dramatic Evan: :-( But that might be the whole teenage angst thing kicking in.
Dramatic Evan: Energy wouldn't be a factor, obviously.
Dramatic Evan: Without sleep, we'd have no existant energy, thus we'd be all happy... and cheery, in great moods, every day.
Dramatic Evan: Unless we had this CRICK in our neck, right *points* THERE, or something.
Dramatic Evan: But BAH!
Dramatic Evan: I'm falling asleep at this keyboard.
Dramatic Evan: G'night
xxJ a dexG e mxx: nighty night
xxJ a dexG e mxx: dont let the bed bugs bite
Dramatic Evan: Because they REALLY itch.
Dramatic Evan is away at 11:37:42 PM.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: yes they do
Auto response from Dramatic Evan: *Yawn* *Falls out of chair, asleep*
xxJ a dexG e mxx: hmm not very comfortable,eh?
Dramatic Evan: Oh, but it is.
Dramatic Evan: Iiiit is.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: really
Dramatic Evan: I've done it before.
Dramatic Evan: Well, technically I fainted.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: hmmm
Dramatic Evan: But then I woke up and went back to sleep.
xxJ a dexG e mxx: lmao
Dramatic Evan: So it works out.
Dramatic Evan: 'Night
xxJ a dexG e mxx: nightt
Auto response from Dramatic Evan: *Yawn* *Falls out of chair, asleep*
me and mikey broke up.
and now were going back out as of yesterday.
so here is the story
on tuesday he broke up with me. he said that he cared about me and loved me so much that he didnt want to hurt me (he thought that he might cheat on me)
yea and i have been lonely missing him.
but he talked to his brother he night we broke up and told his brother that i was the only girl he actually cared for and that he missed me more then anything and that i was the first girl he ever cried over
im was like whoaa.
then he told me he wanted to talk to me but he never came to my house and talked to me
and i was just like whatever and i was about to move on from him
but we were all at ericas house and he had been flirting with me for like an hour and i was telling billy how it was getting sickening b/c he was leading me on and billy was just like just go flirt back with him. so i went back inside and i started flirting and somehow i ended up ontop of him
and i slapped him across the face and he was like that hurt kiss it and make it feel better and so i did
and then he was like my mouth hurts will you kiss that too and then we kissed.
and then we made out and flirted for like ever.and then we were cuddling and he leans in my ear ans goes "will you go back out with me" and i was like yes! and i was like i missed you and he was like i missed you too.
and then he looked me in the eye and was like "i love you and im so sorry for what i did, i shouldnt have done it" and i was like its ook and he was like, no its not okay.
then him and his brother almost beat the shit outta some mexican for hitting on me
oh yea i prolly wont be on that much because our computer is going to shit and barely even works and it makes me mad so ill try and get on but idk
but i love you sarah,brandi and ashhhwee!!!!
i decided to update because brandi told me too lol
lets see good things that happend
-me and mikey are still together
-and he is buying me a ring
-my new school has way less drama
- i decided what i want my profession to be.
a photographer and they have photography classes that i can take out here
-mikey isnt brian =[
-i miss brian
- =[
-i miss my friends
<<-- i took that picture on the main part, of my two sisters, i love them soooo much
my mikey is coming over soon !! untill !!!
me and mikey ♥
(isnt he hot sex?!?)
thats hott sex right there lol im like have laughing because mikey was being a loser lol
me,lynn and shannon, haha that was such an awesome night
erica and forest, arent they so cuteeee
me and lynn coming home from the club
rachel and kaley, arent they so cuteeee
It's the point in your life where you realize who you are, and don't care what anyone thinks about it. It's the point where
everything you once knew dissapears and you feel more confused than you ever have before, but you love the feeling more than anything. It's the point in your life where you learn to stop thinking, stop worrying, and just follow your heart.
yea in like 10 mins i have to start walking to school. but i was bored, so i figured id update.
brian and me broke ^
but i cant just sit here and dwell on it
like he said im 900 miles away. i still do love him. but i cant dwell on a guy agian, i am not wasting 7 months of my life agian. im sorry but i wont do it.
but ona good note..i have a new b/f (mikey) he is soo sweet. i have some pics so ill upload them when i get a chance.
well im out
school blows
i just want to die more then anything right now.
me and brian are in a huge fight.
im afriad that it might be the last fight we ever have. im so afriad to lose him and its all my fault. i hate myself, i hope i die tonight.
If you don't know by now that you're my only one
Take a look inside me and watch my heartstrings come undone
why does shit always gotta be like this, im so sick of it.
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
boys suck
i have the biggest headache ever.
yesterday, omg, i had the most orgasmic shower ever.
i was just soo stressed out because of things so i went in the shower and just sat there, it was like so awesome. lol
blah blah blah
im so flipping hungry!
well thats all the time i have, cuz im going to eat before i starve
pictures pictures !!
so you want to hear a funny story?
i went camping this weekend.
and we met 2 guys, and they were hot emo sex. and they were in the tent next to us so we told them to come over later. and we went on a walk (we needed a smoke) and when we got back we forgot about them, and we switched tents, and so the next morning my dad goes, so what are you doing telling boys to come to your tent at 230 in the morning and i was like whaaattt, lol it ended up my dad slept in the tent we were in b4 and the boys went to our tent and woke my dad up LMAO!!! we were laughing soooo baddly.