new additions to the family

we're gonna have not one, but TWO exhange students living w/us next year! one Korean guy and one Chinese guy! they're both 16 and it'll be awesome!!!!!!!! i'm so happy that i'll finally have a brother (or TWO!)
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Addie... you are going to have to try to keep yourself away from them... if you know what I mean... =)
wow that's impressive, my parents were considering it, but they didn't like any of the girls and my dad is dead set against having a guy
i think someone's jealous that he has competition in the formerly unchallenged arena of your heart addie... dear lord, i'm really bored, can you tell?
i'm pretty excited; i think we may be hosting the spanish girl if it works out. god, i haven't seen you forever, well, camp was the last time i guess, the sunday concert. any last ditch effort at the paintball excursion? or even the weekend after school starts, as a final farewell to summer, before the HW starts. how's the iliad going? i've not started it... eesh. well, see you sooner then i'd like i think!
exchange students kick ass. I have a girl from korea and she's been living with us for 2 years, and she's amazing.