Well, I will have to have at least one rant about my job...so I might as well do it now and get it over with.
I hate my job. I used to love my job to no end...Help customers with computer questions that I knew and make them feel better about computers. I loved doing that, no worries but sell a few things, fix some price tags here and there, sell warrenties if you can.
But then, the corporate demon came down upon the humble pesants of the red-shirt store. The demon lumbered over them, fangs druling for more of its food : Money. So the demon instructed his enslaved pesants to become money-humgry "salesmen" of the wicked table and to focus on evil things like "Margins" and "profit dollars per hour" and "attach rates of accessories".
The demon then promiced rewards if his hunger was evenly satisfied by all the different forms of creating this "money" or "profit" for him. At first, the rewards came easy and the pesants and demon were equally happy. After a while, the demon got even greedier and wanted more of the "profits" for himself, so he decreased all the rewards slowly until they stopped alltogether.
The pesants were outraged at only being given the scraps of what they used to recieve. The demon laughed and then proposed they work less time to make up for his lost "profits" so the pesants made less.
Finally, the demon eliminated the reward system and told the pesants to do things as they were in the good days, but no rewards would be given and his evil magical words had to be met every week. The pesants were sad, and many wanted to move to new lands, but were stuck as the other lands were not looking for more pesants to take care of.
So, the demon kept sticking the shaft into the a-holes of the pesants. (Obsene remarks about the demon will be left out to keep this story PG.) ..... And still to this day, the pesants keep doing their crummy tasks while the demon gourges on his "profits".