*stares blankly at the monitor*

Listening to: 98.9 The Rock
Feeling: slothful
*rubs his eyes* Those 4 glasses of CocaCola after 9pm were a very bad idea. That medium sized coffee at 11pm the night before was just as bad. We're running on a grand total of 5 hours of sleep for the past two nights. Why did I say "we"? *sigh* I figured I would watch a movie to put me to sleep when I got home last night. No, instead I watched it all the way through. *shakes his head* Dunno why I thougth that would work. So, no more caffene for me for a week, minus my green tea. I need that at least. Besides that, I feel horrible. I vanish from existance for years to my friends, only to have them return when they are moving away a bit, or far away. I've squandered my past years doing nothing, being nothing, gaining nothing (minus a wonderful relationship I have). A friend mentioned that his oppinion is that every person is born with a purpose in mind, something they can achieve and susceed or fail in. Wonder what my purpose is... Did I already find it and complete it? Fail it? Ignore it? Miss it when I was in my coma-like state of the past years? All my hopes rest in completing a degree and getting a different job. I question if that is going to do anything at all. I've felt that a degree will be the answer to what I have been working for. I'm not so sure now. My personal goal is to have a family to take care of, but I feel like I am further from that than I have ever been. It's probably the caffene and lack of sleep, but I feel like there is this gaping, empty hole in my chest at the moment for some reason. I'm so stupid...why do I give people reasons to doubt me or question me when it is the absolute farthest thing from my mind? I'm gonna go work now I guess and try not to pass out on the steel table in the sea of boxes and freight. Wish me luck!
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Good luck! Damn our insomniac tendencies. I'll miss you, brother. But I'll only be as far away as a phone call or e-mail.
I had to laugh at two things. First, success, my friend, is always going to be in the eyes of the beholder. Only you can tell yourself how well you've done. You've made it this far, there has to be something to say for that!

And plus... who would argue that the relationship you hold is not the accomplishment you are seeking? I would say that it is certainly something to be happy about, in any regard.

Until I return, my friend, tah tah.