Don't ya hate it when holidays or important days get turrend into a day where you got to go out and buy stuff so that everyone else doesn't think you are weird and stuff...I mean it was a good 10 years until I figured out what easter really is. I just thought it was "Happy Candy Day" or something. I would have never thought that this day was the foundation of Christianity, proving the concept that Jesus did die for our sins and overcame them and was resurected. You know, the whole point of Christianity.
Those that know me know that I am not the biggest christian, or also know that I have had a lot of doubts about it. Still, I know what Christmas is, I know what Easter really is. Even Halloween and Thanksgiving got the corporate coating of chocolate that hides the real purposes of the day. What's next? President's Day? Wait, they got that one with the sales at stores...Ok, Canada Day. I know that they did not get that one. Or V Day and VE Day...at least there are some days we can actually celebrate without chocolate or gifts! :P
Well, I am going downstairs now to eat some chocolate and candy to celebrate my lord and savior's resurection.