So, I'm sick with this odd cold that is going around...I should be sleeping and getting better so I can go to work tomorrow and make money for the corporate demon (see previous entry for the Tale O' The Demon called "After Work")but I am so wide awake, it's silly. So, I am just sitting here surfing the net, causing mayhem and such, playing my webcast radio music for friends, and persistanly checking my e-mail that NO ONE KNOWS THE ADDRESS TO! Do I have ADD or am I obsessive compuslive on a computer? Maybe....but it is INSOMNIA! AHHH!
So, I sit here sniffling and coughing while my throat ruptures and cries in pain when my bed is directly behind me, all made and folded half way open like it's saying "Come to me! Lay in my comfeyness. Relish in my snuggle factor" But nay, NAAYYY says my inner self... You must complete numerous meaningless tasks to fill the time that you could use healing and resting. Never shall your eyes shut...never will you slumber! My grip on your consiousness is like an iron monkey palm, all....gripping...and stuff. Ok, maybe he's tired too but he won't give up!
Damn you! let me sleep! AHHH! *passes out from ranting and complaining about it all* ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *snorts and wakes* NO!! Now it's teasing me! Put me back!
Ah well, I'll go play some game. Might as well level if I am not sleeping or working. :)