Some people are meant to follow
and look good standing in lines.
They fit inside a fashion world
of eccentric and brave designs.
Others clash a small amount
but hide behind a label.
But few of us don't fit at all
and wear a home-made fable.
Once I tried to walk around
wearing a trendy shoe.
It was slightly big and awkward too--
For me, it would not do.
And it matters not what fashion says,
the attention paid is small,
But the price is large
and the size is strange;
I take one step and fall.
Majority will tell you now
what they find acceptable.
But the price I pay
to play their way
is unrepentable.
Loss of courage,
loss of mind,
loss of freedom,
bound to bind
by word of mouth--
not such is mine.
I'm not a stitch
inside a fabric
pieced at ghastly price.
I'm a needle to the narrow mind,
a sword against their vice.
I'm not a name
spelled in numbers
used to name the rich.
I'm an independent thinking soul,
to majority, a bitch.
.Justina Dream.
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