The other day it began to rain. No one felt it, I think, except me. And that night, after a dry thunderstorm, I went to bed with a downpour.
I've now written and re-written this paragraph about three times now. I guess I just can't figure out how to say this. I can't explain why, amidst all the goodness in my world right now, I suddenly feel so meloncholy. I can't explain why I cried in the movie and wanted to bawl hours afterward. I can't explain why the little things make me unreasonably emotion or why dreams are making me so infuriated and worried. I can't explain or even begin to understand where my mind is going. There is nothing more here now than what there was before, but for some reason I feel it more now; it's affecting me greater.
None of this is entirely new. I've been dealing with these wild spells of depression since my freshmen year. I suppose every high schooler deals with it. "Hormones" they say. And they may be right. That still doesn't make it any easier.
It might be fading now. Talking about it makes it does that. Talking about all my grief and worry shrinks everything down into perspective again.
These cloudy days don't help though. These horrible nightmares don't make reality any better.
Well, the ridiculous of it all is over now, I think. I honestly say that I feel better now, even though it doesn't seem like I've said much. I've been pondering over my thoughts for days, and now I think I've got them sorted some-what.
Back to my old pass-times; there, all my best dreams lie.
.Your Former Self.
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