12:16 the night before a final and I can't go to sleep. I had a great day today, but I can't let Him know that. I acted like a child, like a real woman, like a flirt, like a bitch, like a drunk, like a poet, but I can't let anyone know that.
I chased pigeons because it felt like running away.
I shook hands because it felt like senior year.
I laughed, and joked, and tossed around empty insults because, secretly, we're friends.
I felt comfortable all day because this is the way I'v developed; to be lazy in sweatshirts, quick in sneakers, at ease with the boys.
Sometimes I'm laughing so much, I can't slow myself down to speak properly.
Because I worked (out) yesterday, I deserved dessert tonight. One of these days I'll mean it when I say I'm putting my foot down (gee, doesn't THAT sound familiar).
I was called white and wasn't offended; Am I a white-bread girl in denial?
We high-fived over cleaning ladies.
I celebrated $113 returned to me for books.
I wondered if the thousands of dollars spent on tuition was worth it.
I looked at another college.
It's so typical of me to change my mind over and over again...I know the answer is right in front of me--obvious--but as for now, I'm blind to.
I'm trapped here because of Him; willingly, you understand. Is it pathetic? Romantic? Tragic? I don't know.
Where else would I be?
I'm everywhere I never dreamed of being and no where close to where I dreamed of getting. Did I turn the wrong corner (I have the tendency to get lost), or did the map change to fit my direction?
It got me thinking.
Too many diaries now adays don't really have anything worthwhile reading.
It's either: Yay! Let me give you a list of everything that I did today! [it can be interesting at times] or else it's people whining about how sucky their lives are.
It gets old.
Thanks for not conforming.
rock on. :)