1.10.05 Blind Sight Prophesies

"Sweet dreams," he says. "Pleasant visions." They say. And even Cinderella sang, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." So what is it? What, exactly, is a dream and what does it tell us? I've had my fair share of dreams, most of which I can remember if I think on them long enough. I don't expect I'll ever stop dream this nonsense, so while it comes to me night by night, I might as well think on it. There are many different theories about dreams-who has them, what they mean, where they come from, etc. I can tell you right now that humans aren't the only ones who dream and that dreams are not always just a lottery of thoughts. Dogs dream. I have proof of this, no matter what the experts say. I woke my dog from a nightmare once so I know he dreams and it probobly was something to fear, considering the noises he was making. Also, dreams come in categories. You have the "lottery" dreams that don't seem to mean anything but merely consist of bits and pieces of your day. Then you have your metaphorical dreams, visions of flight, falling, running, metamorphosis, etc. And then you have you prophet dreams. I have these most frequently and they are, by far, the hardest to decipher. Usually extremely complex and very meaningful, I usually can't understand them completely until after something has happened. I don't trust dream books--you know, little dream encyclopedias that say what certain things mean; water represents blah blah blah, I forget. In any case, none of it ever makes sense to me so I'd rather interperet on my own. In any case, I can't ever really ignore a dream. I can on the spot recall perfectly dreams I've had almost ten years ago. That's just the way I am. Sometimes my dreams help me--they give me hope or quidence in some mysterious or profound way. Other times they just horrify me and put me in confused and sour moods because I can't, by any means, understand where the dream came from. Those are the dreams I don't share and try hard to forget. Unfortunately, because they are so powerful and confusing, those are usually the dreams I CAN'T forget. At any rate, that's by tidbit on dreams. For the next few days or weeks I'm going to attempt to keep a record of my dreams and try to decode them. Otherwise, I'm never going to get a good nights rest... .Justina Dream.
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