Wel let me tell you about my daY:!I come home from school and i put my bag down then i go to the garage to let my dog out cuz he sleeps in his kennel there when we go to go.So i go in the and it smells RANK and i mean RANK!! it's like you go in there and dog pop and this bitter smell sweep over you! i run back in the house and change my clothes i feel soo bad for him i'ma bout to cry but i don't i go back inside the house and start calling everybody in my family that could have tocuhed him this morning and they all say they didn't feed him anything..So i figured out that he had diarreha and he puked in there so guess how has to clean him and the kennel up! ME ME ME...so i cleaned it up...wearing gloves of course.and so as the story goes i end up having to clean the kitchen as well and i was Freaking pissed i thought i could have made up know cuz words
Well i got to go now ..::sniffle::..
[Remember: Girls Bathroom. 1:15. The Floor. HIT IT UP. XD]
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