ill miss ya. im glad i got to know you this year. and if you ever need a brenda starr hat, you know where to find me...
yeah you are psyched
oooooooo ya i am very fukin siked l7weny
thats pretty bad ass. i guess ill seeya at buena. it might sound great and compared to foothill it is wonderfull. but beleave me it is really shitty still, because infact shcool is school......and shit is still infact shit. just like the saying you cant get a snake to act like a dog, well you get get school to act like anything else but a big festering, smelly, fucking pile of SHIT!. anyway hope you like buena. :)ya..

scinverely; jon nichols
0 days left. a bunch of days letf at buena.
hey dude we should chill this weekend.
how's buena?
Toke up