Listening to: Blink182 - I Miss You
Feeling: intrigued
Hello all my interniet junkies, and how do you fare this fine February evening?
I must say I'm doing pretty well, and how bout this weather? It's nice being able to ride around with the windows down...I hate the winter! It's especially fun when you're riding around with retards! Which is exactly what I do at work. It's the job of my dreams, I tell you!
Actually it's pretty cool. I get an hour paid lunch and shit...all I really do is take mentally challnged supported and independent living clients to doctors appointments and grocery shopping and shit. And make sure they're bathing and shit...LOL. Some of these people are fuckin' out there man...they range from bipolar to OCD and then to schizzo...they're fun to talk to =) Me and my co-worker walked into one guy's apartment...there was about 75 boxes of letter envelopes on the kitchen table...probably about 2,000 letters that have never been sent to anyone, all neatly addressed and enveloped...and in the corner beside the TV, there was a stack of about 50 VCR pornos...LOL...this guy is a fuckin' weirdo man!
I guess you'd have to be one warped motherfucker to like this job...but I love it. Cause I'm a lazy bastard, and I don't really do shit at work. It's easier than layin' on the couch watching TV at my house...but that's only because my Dad is fucking loony...
Anyways...I'm over here at Jen's uncles babysitting, and we have to take the kids to feckin' McDonald's cause they've been good all day...bleh...but if I were them, I'd want some fuckin' Arby's, not some shitty ass McDonalds!
Right on...!
But I guess I've got to roll...(heehee, "roll")
I shall write more later....
than again, maybe you don't know it either.
our colors almost match, how nice.
i'm rambling, sorry.
babysitting is for the brave, i know this well.
i think i'll comment on the other diary now.
This is alex by the way.
rock on you wild thang.
Babysitting sucks. I use to have to watch my cousins everyday... -brats- spoiled rotten lil brats they are. Worse than me. =-/ McDonald's ownz, man! So does duck tape. Duck tape like... kicks McDonald's ass! Duck tape is the answer to all of our problems that may occur in our lifetime. Trust me. I know!
so "not sure what jenn would call you" guy, i think i will call you big t, although the t would be pronounced T.
yeah i think i forgot what i even came here to really say.
rock on with the penis lovin.
don't mean to bother, but updating is an under-rated activity.
that jenn, well she sure is a thunder cat and such.
may you be strong...
rock on.