A note. Me and Mary

Listening to: numa numa
Feeling: broken
Mary: Why don't you just write it here Me: ***** Mary:Oh, ok.... so? Me: Um, I'm w/Jake. This is my first crush on a girl. I think I also might not be attracted to guys anymore, so it's not just the crush. I might be a LESBIAN. Not bi. Just a lesbian, Waaah. Mary: And thats a bad thing? Well, I guess it would be for you. Eh, whats bad about lesbians anyway? And I doubt you are turning into a lesbian. Me: I;m not saying it's bad. It's just a scary transition. Even on friday during the activity period (which I spent w/Jake) I was feeling off. I think I am turniong into a lesbian. I told you I don't feel all that attracted to guys. Anymore. What am I gonna do? Mary: Just be a lesbian, I guess. I dunno what to tell you... You probably shouldn't tell your parents, they wouldn't be of any help... or so I tink. Me: They think I'm a lesbian anyway. I am SO CONFUZZLED. *sobs* Mary: Hmmm, well at least you don't have to break that part to them... *nervous laugh* Give me some time to think and I might be able to come up with something to help you out. Me: Okay, thx *heart* ya. Mary: Your welcome *heart ya too! This is Katrina! WAAHAHAHAA! FEAR ME FOR I AM EVERYWHERE AT ONCE... *ahem* moving on...
Read 6 comments
you prob arent a lesbian, but then again i cant see inside your head, and who is this hick you have a crush on? btw, have you seen the new chick? she is really pretty
Yes. I have seen her. I don't really agree.
hey sam how are you me good well bye
you shouldnt write private entries...i dont know what it's about...but hey, what's the point of having an online journal if you wont let people read things....heh....
To anonymous: Who are you?
Well hmmm I racked my brain last night you dont want her to know..goddamnmotherfuckershitpissfuckcuntassholegpissonatire...I dunno what to do*sadface*