
Name: Krysten Birthday: October 19 Birthplace: Lawrence Current Location: Williamsburg/Ottawa Eye Color: blue Hair Color: umm lolImage hosted by Photobucket.comblonde red and brown Height: 5'5 Right Handed or Left Handed: right Your Heritage: im... hehe nevermind The Shoes You Wore Today: old navy black flip flops Your Weakness: umm jealousy Your Fears: spiders snakes clowns.. and other stuff that won't be mentionedImage hosted by Photobucket.com Your Perfect Pizza: pepperoni Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: nothing. Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: i have no idea. Thoughts First Waking Up: I'm sooo freaking tired. Your Best Physical Feature: hell if i know. Your Bedtime: Whenever I get off the phone with Tanner. Your Most Missed Memory: Ohhh just a couple summers ago ya knowImage hosted by Photobucket.com Pepsi or Coke: pepsi MacDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds Single or Group Dates: single Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: errrrr Chocolate or Vanilla: depends Cappuccino or Coffee: gross! Do you Smoke: nope Do you Swear: hell yeah i do assholes. Do you Sing: not really Do you Shower Daily: well yes. Have you Been in Love: you bet Do you want to go to College: your mom does! Do you want to get Married: well it depends.. my ass would probably get divorced. Do you belive in yourself: not really Do you get Motion Sickness: sometimes Do you think you are Attractive: no not really. Are you a Health Freak: nope Do you get along with your Parents: depends which "parent" we are talking about. Do you like Thunderstorms: fuck no!!!! Do you play an Instrument: used to In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yesm In the past month have you Smoked: nope In the past month have you been on Drugs: no In the past month have you gone on a Date: umm... no In the past month have you gone to a Mall: i dont think so In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nope, not a big oreo fan In the past month have you eaten Sushi: FREAKING SICK!! In the past month have you been on Stage: no In the past month have you been Dumped: nope In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope In the past month have you Stolen Anything: oh yeah a freaking car... no shit lickers Ever been Drunk: I dunno.Image hosted by Photobucket.com Ever been called a Tease: probably Ever been Beaten up: nope Ever Shoplifted: nope How do you want to Die: While I'm sleeping. What do you want to be when you Grow Up: ME!!! haha kidding but seriously.. who cares? What country would you most like to Visit: umm i dunno? In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: i dont care looks dont matter Favourite Hair Color: doesnt matter Short or Long Hair: definately long! Height: taller than me Weight: doesnt matter Best Clothing Style: how about naked.. lol no im kidding whatever is comfy i guess Number of Drugs I have taken: 0 Number of CDs I own: a fuck load Number of Piercings: 5 Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of things in my Past I Regret: A GAGILLION! Okey dokey.. That was interesting. Okay ummm... so I get my braces off Wednesday. It's going to be weird. My F.A.T. is coming with me!Image hosted by Photobucket.com ummm.. yesterday I talked to Katie for like an hour and 10 minutes about some stuff. It was perty cool. I guess she's gonna have a party some time.. Sandlot freaking RULES!!!!!! Yeah soo ummm.. then Tanner called so I talked to him for awhile. Then I fell asleep and some people prank called me? Yeah I gotta say the voicemail was pretty fucking funny. They kept saying dit der! It was pretty bad ass. Yeah and some other fag called me! Tanner you would be really happy about that.Image hosted by Photobucket.com Okey dokey... well umm.. yeah Today I woke up at like 11 cause dad told me i was sleeping in too late so yeah. I took a shower and got around then we went to Pomona and Quinemo(cant spell) to look at all the water and shit. We drove through a lot of it and it was awesome. We opened our doors and it was awesome it looked like we were floating on a lake or something. So anyway.. then we went to Ottawa to the parts store and wal mart and shit. Yeah we were gone for like 3-4 hours. It was.. cute. lol .. okey dokey well i dont wanna type anymore so I can talk to tanner now. Toodles Much and Never Ending Love
| x | Krysten | x |
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Read 35 comments
it's chilly in here.. haha yea
I have to go to work at 5..do you know how much that sucks..
haha wow..yea, i just wanna stay home..
I love you..and I'm gonna stop now..
or maybe not..
haha you know you love me! XD
why aren't you online! grr...I have no one to talk to..
ok I really am gonna stop now..
I dont want to continue bothering you with all of these..
even tho it is kinda neat..it's amusing in its own funky sort of way..
Peace out home skillet!
I EFFING LOVE YOU KRYSTEN! I cant wait til tomorrow!!!!! yeeah!!!!! hehe Love ya always my F.A.T

okay stinker...you cant just make a sitD and only update once!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU KRYSTEN! hehe

lol yey the computer is all better:)

*ashlee jo♥
surely you do....you have to..
haha and I bet I won't be invited to that party.. lol coz she dont really talk to me anymore ...and I TALKED TO YOU TODAY! a little bit anyways lol..
um yea..skiddley diddley doo! AGH! haha sorry..

I'm sorry :(..next time a kick ass movie comes out like Madagascar i'll invite you :)...LOVE YOU

Oh yeah i saw your boyfriend today with Tim, Tanner got out of the car and kicked some road kill..it was nasty :P

Well ttyl...love yah bunches! :)
you know what...i want too bone as well! we should make a date or something ya know? well I will hump you later

mmmmmmm wow...
I'm REALLY flippin bored dude...
so ya know...I thought I'd leave ya some love..
YOU AND I COLLIDE! ..lol that popup starts to get a little bit in the way after awhile...
ya know what I mean? haha
haha yea, I hope you're having a super fantastic day!
I sure aint..
I gots a headache!!!
make it go away!!! now! I COMMAND YOU!
haha it's 2:00!
You don't ever fuckin leave shout outs or whatever you want to fucking call them. I feel so unloved. Your fucking dick hole boyfriend just made Kristen cry. WHAT A FUCKIN FAGGOT. Oh well..

I guess I love you?
