yeah so last night me and tara went on a walk. and we kept seeing dead animals on the side of the road and we couldnt figure out what the hell one of them was. it was awesome. so then tara was trying to pull its teeth out and stuff. it was hilarious. then on the way home we stopped and talked to brandon cause he just got home. it was the shiz.
so then i came home and went upstairs and drew tanner a pretty picture((which by the way, HE LOVED!)) HAHAHAHAHA!!! then i wrote tara a prettyful note. yessss. then tanner called me after he got off work, we talked awhile. then i tried to go to sleep but i couldnt. so i was up till like 4 tossing and turning. yeah it sucked NUTS!...
i woke up this morning around 9 and took a shower and stuff and tanner came to pick me and tara up around.. uhh 11 i think? then we went to tanners house and hung out for awhile. they wanted to watch IT.. which i didnt! so i talked to brittany and loser. then some stuff happened and everybody was just upset with everyone. cause. i was being a little shit.. and tim called me a bitch.. and then tara got mad cause he called me a bitch.. then tanner got upset cause i was upset. and yeah its just all fucked up!! so tim went on a walk and tara talked to me then tanner came in and started making me and tara laugh so it was all good. then we all just hung out some more. tanner brought me and tara home a little after 3. tanner i love you so much babe!! you're the best!
so after tanner and timothy left me and tara fixed us some mini quesadilla thingies! they were good. then me and tara BOTH burnt our fingers on the plate. that shit was hot. so yeah that sucked. taras burn is worse though! so while we were fixing those chris came over and told me he wasnt mad at me and he never was.. that he has been grounded for a long ass time so yeah. thats good i guess. By the way he updated!! cooterboy
so yeah. overall today was a pretty good day.
tomorrow i guess im going to lawrence with my momma and tessa. which i hope we're shopping cause i havent been in a long ass time. and i really need to! so yeah!
then sometime tomorrow afternoon im supposed to go to the mall with tanner and timothy and get tara a birthday present. so that should be fun.
anyways i guess this pretty much sums it up!
..haha but i bet you didnt know that you're my hero and i love you!! :)
love you!!
F.A.T's forever!