I could have just sworn I was just on the diet Marisa and I "vowed" to follow this year. But I remember now that that was February I would say so. How did the months go by faster and faster? I don't understand. Am I just getting old? Is this what happens? During 2007 (worst year of my life, so far) I promised myself that 2008 was going to be my year. Has it? Yes. For the most part, it has treated me so good. Minor speed bumps along the way but I was able to jump over them.
The #1 thing I'm most thankful for is having my father live another year. Celebrating his 56th birthday with a small fruit cake was the best. Believe it or not, I'm still in much denial of my father going through chemo. The thought of him parting kills me; bringing tears to my eyes. For once, I would like to see my sister and brother put their bullshit aside and get along. How they still don't speak or get along with each other is beyond me and this hurts my parents so much. It's been over 7 years, why are you still doing this? Yeah, the whole "stubborn" thing runs in the family, but kids, grow up. You both get on my nerves and putting me in the middle sometimes is not cool. I don't like picking sides.
Besides that, I love that I've met some wonderful people this year that have affected my life. This includes Christian. One little sucker that I am dying to meet is stuck inside my sisters belly. I'm finally going to have a nephew and I'm so excited about this. Buying cowboy clothes is going to be great :)
Note to self:
I wouldn't mind having this under my Christmas tree

Too bad I'm going to be broke and I'm pretty much planning on getting my parents a digital camera, my nieces some gifts and maybe buy myself something small and nice. I know I say I'm super broke but I'm most likely going to buy small gifts for a couple of people. Overall, I really don't want anything for Christmas, only love and friendship.

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