.36. Bloody Valentine

Hey peoples! I'm writing once again... i think im startin on monday. am i right? well heres i go. monday was like a usually monday. but only i skipped the end of science and the begining of social studies and went to 7th period orchestra. so i had lang. math sci violin, violin, lunch violin and the end of ss. good school day. then i had piano lessons after nd that was my wholeee day! on tues. i went to school again. nd i skipped classes again!!! yayyyy. i skipped gym for the 7th graders lessons nd then i skipped end of sci begining of ss again for full orchestra. we sound ok. thats one good thing bout my teachers...they dont care at all if i miss! it's prob. cuz of wut its for nd im a good student nd make up work. haha omg tues. late afternoon...horrible! my brother got his drum set. its very loud nd he plays the same thing over nd over nd over nd over. i was sitting in the kitchen nd my chair was vibrating! then i had karate. it was a good class. they were reviewing old stuff nd it was all sooo familiar (the kadas) but i couldn't remember it! but we went over one nd i remember it nd i can still do it and its all good. yep that was tuesday. now on to today...ms. oz wouldn't let us skip again today cuz she doesnt want teachers mad at her...so it was the same boring old day. thats like all i did. *something just got me p.o don't even ask* i have that drug thing tonight at the school thats like mandatory nd no1 pays attention at. so thats like all i'll be doin today. i believe i'm gonna finish now. All Done!
Read 2 comments
lol yeah it was i little confusing but that is my FAVORTIE movie!!! i wanna buy it too!
Wow ur diary is like.. awesome! lol the backround is koolie 2- umm thx for the comment! and im srry that umm ur brother got a drum set and its annoying:( lol my cousin plays the drums and she just likes to practice the same thing, over and over again- blah! lol well again thx for the comment! ttyl!