.86. Welcome to my life

What piece of clothing are YOU in MY closet???

My nice ripped jeans!

You are the most comfortable thing out there. You have survived the years and the test of time and avoided *most* harm. Despite the ripps, you are brand new! Just a glance will make someone relaxed! Your tiny flaws only make you better!

Personality Test Results

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*Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
What store in the mall are you?

FYE/Sam Goody

You just can't live without music and movies

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
If you could be any Crayon, which one would you be?


You're just a mix of everything.

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

Have you ever....

Created by lizu and taken 208 times on bzoink!

Have you ever....
Climbed a tree?yes
Made out with your best friend?no
Danced in the rain?no
Asked someone out?yep
Ate something really horrible-looking?yes
Picked your nose and ate it?ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww no
Fallen in love with someone of the same sex?no
Watched a meteor shower?yeah
Fallen in front of a ton of people?yeah
Been in a play?yeah
Written a really good story?no
Been published?no
Ate a bug?i think i swallowed a fly by accident at softball once..
Been in love with someone way older than you?no
Kissed someone of the same sex?no
Been to a protest?no
Gotten high with a bumch of friends?no
Smoked in front of your parents?no
Stolen something from a friend?no
Flirted with a random guy/girl?no
Played an instrument in a performance?yeah
Skipped school?no
Gone "down to the pond" (smoked at school)?no
Fingered someone (and shook her father's hand right after)?no
Made out with someone you hate?no
Written someone a nasty letter?no
Cried over someone you loved?yes
Cried over someone you didn't even know?yes
Gone swimming in your clothes?yes
Taken a class you knew you'd fail?no
Eaten gum that someone else had already chewed (a friend)?no
Been drunk with your parents?no
Danced with a guy/girl you really liked but were afraid to tell them?no
Run barefoot through the grass at night with your girl/boyfriend?no
Eaten something live?noo
Kissed a frog?no
Kissed someone who looked like a frog?no
Been to summer camp?not over night stuff
Had a best friend?yes
Wanted to kill someone?yyyeah
Seen a dead person?no
Wanted to kill me (lizu)?why not

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i've been bored so i did some quizzes...i had a huuuuge survey thing almost done but i deleted it and don't feel like doing it again. hmm...This weekend was good. Sat. I went to the movies with my cousin tommy and kelly and the whole rest of my family ended up coming too. We saw the Incredibles. I liked it. they came over after and thats about all i did. sunday mark woke me up and i got dressed and stuff and went to his house. we watched saving private ryan. and ate dinner rather early. When i came home i played pool cause my daddy finally got hte table together. I beat my brother. i'm soo talented..haha today i had school. thats about it. I'm gonna read a whole bunch of stuff for english...and cut out stuff for spanish...and practice the piano while i'm at it.. all done
Read 4 comments
HeLlO...i like ur diary! its cute
just wondering...is piano a hard instrument to play? does it take alot of hard work and practicing? i know you've been playing for a while...
all my dumb teachers are trying to "prepare me for college" and im hoping to either go to julliard or the manhattan school of music, both in manhattan, but my private lesson teacher says its better, and is sometimes required, if you play piano.
how often do you go to lessons and how much is it?
im starting piano by the way in case you didnt realize it (lol) as soon as i find a good teacher offering a reasonable price...i also have to take out-of school music theory and AP music classes...it's sucky lol.

but what do you think about the piano?
is it hard?
i like those surveys. thats cool.