.43. Nice Guys Finish Last

Hey.! boredumness and tiredness and headacheness here. i wanna go to bed. lol monday: hmm...school was ok. same boring routine. The only thing was, we had orchestra rehersal but it was during my regular violin class anyway. After school i had piano. then i had to go pick up my dad from the doctors and we went to Arby's. thhhhen i came home... and i had karate. that was--monday. tuesday: ah yes...today. School was the bestest!! I saw one of my favoritest people in the whole wide world a lot too. (don't even bother askin hoo that would be...) We had our first concert of the week today too. Very good cuz i get to miss my least favorite class...ms. nards!!! lol neway...i came home from school. then i went to my yia yias. then...i came home. nd thats today so far. doubt nething eventful shall happen. whoa they sed nice guys finish last on TV and i thought of the green day song. Erin, it's all cuzza you i like them. lol ah...my head hurts. i don't feel like writing more. Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all done.
Read 2 comments
mmmm Pinacoladas are good lol..especially when in ur the bahamas...love your diary!!
You play the violin & the piano?! Whoa! I used to play the violin and I play the keyboards, which I guess is like the piano in a way. :^D
Thanx for the comment. Ouch, the swollen tongue- nasty. Damn orthodonist! *lol* W/b
*xOxO* marlyn