*36* hmmm

Feeling: isolated
HEY TONY!! YER IN HERE, HAPPY?! lol Today was a weird day..i had stuff on my mind n they wouldn't go away... they were getting me confused and stuff..i didn't like it very much!!! :( ... idk what to do...got n e advice?? n then whitney comes up to me after lunch n is tellin me this shit n u wanna know what whitney..i was just bein myself!!! u should know that from goin to school wit me for 8 years!! n idk what u c wrong with that!!! if you dont like it...u don't have to i'm not askin u to but u don't need to come up to me n tell me what to do n what not to do!!! so u can back off a lil!! :( My headaches came back.... :( Festival Plans!!! Lemme know if u wanna come!! we're gonna go out to eats at Applebees MOVIE ON SUNDAY ew..i tried makin tina's noodles tonight for supper...i made em wrong!!!! i added to much of sumthin n it tasted nasty!! wasted all that time....FOR NOTHIN!!! cheerleading tomorrow 4:00-5:30 or sumthin like that!! Find a guy who will RiSk the comments of his friends just so he can bE wiTh yOu, who calls you BeAuTiFuL instead of hOtT, who calls you BaCk when you HaNg Up on him, who stays aWaKe just to watch you sLeEp...wait for the guy who PuRsUeS you, who KiSsEs your forehead, who wants to ShOw you off to the world when you're in sweats...someone who HoLdS your hand in front of his friends, the one who is constantly ReMiNdInG you how much he CaReS, and how LuCkY he is to have you...thats the o n e worth waiting for. . . I wanna be the gurl that when he wakes up i'm the one that he's thinkin..i wanna be his :*:Only One:*: i want to be his reason for going through another day..just Once..i wanna be the One being wished fOr..i want *him* tO say-> `im so lucky tO have her`.. in Other wordz, i just wanna be His |[e v e r y t h i n g]|
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hey whats up nothin here... got my report card all b's urgg lol thats okay tho how are u doing

get back @ me