Yet another tired mood.
Things with Dayna are going better than great. But i've gotta lose this whole 'oh shit i'm pissing her off' 'oh shit i'm acting like a dick' attitude.
It's not good for me, or for her, just makes me go all...clingy and depressed and I change.
I thought all this revision planning stuff would be easy but, for me it's not. I'm lazy and I just struggle to keep to a schedule. I just really need to revise maths and science. Need to get A-C's in my modulars and something good in maths. Even though my maths teacher thinks i'm going to fail and not do very well.
If I don't get into college I will seriously give up. I've gone through life with this image that i'm quite clever, and I do well. But recently, I feel i've been getting less and less intellectual and i'm becoming a fool.
I don't know what i'm supposed to be anymore.
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