
Met Lucy in town after work yesterday. Walked around, had a look around the shops. I bought the Larrikin Love tickets. On the ticket it says 18+ gig but the website says 16+. If I don't get in i'm gonna be well pissed off. After town we walked to Abbey Park and hung out there. There were a group of emo/scene kids. Worse than chavs I tell you. Two ambulance people and a police car turned up cause one of the girls had taken something and kept collapsing and stubmling around. Idiots. I kissed Lucy in Abbey Park, just one of those moments where we looked at each other and it felt right. But I dunno if it does. I'm not sure if it's cause she's the first girl i've been with since Dayna, although that shouldn't make a difference, but something just feels strange. I don't think it's going to be one of those relationships where everything feels special and amazing. It'll be nice. But I dunno. Might have too high expectations from the last relationship I was in. =/ I guess not all relationships are going to be as good as others. Just something i'll learn over time I guess.
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yeah, dont expect too much straight away. but then again, dont go to slow with it. go with the flow - xrachx