
I really do get a bit phased sometimes. You know when everything just goes sailing over your head, and you just sit there watching yourself thinking 'Where do I come into all of this? Why do I worry so much? Why can one sentence turn me into a pathetic bumbling doubting idiot, and another make me feel on top of the world?' Some things are just a bit too weird to get out of your head. But if I kept it all in, i'd probably end up somewhere bad. Overall, at this moment in time, I dislike myself quite a lot. And if I was my friend? I'd have ditched myself by now. But guess what? I'm stuck. And I always will be, unless I change myself to be more tolerant of myself, then maybe things will change. I despair so much some times, and i'm real close to just holding my hands up and saying 'Look, let me just flow through all of this without a care.' This, is life. Such is this.
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