Vacation Week

Listening to: Radio
Feeling: giddy
I had a good vacation so far... I dont have much to say though... Monday I went to see Damien Rice perform (it was awesome). Tuesday I hung out with Emily B., Alex, Chris, Ed., Angie, and Matt. That was fun.. I got to hear Alex, ed, and matt play in their "band" they sounded good. I think I am falling for chris he is so nice. But i will see where things go I dont want to push because I dont know if I want a guy right now. Even though I think he likes me. Yesterday I had fun too.. I went to the mall with Liz, danny, Emily B, Alex, and Nicole.. While I was there I ran into Dannielle T and Sam.. that was cool we hung out at the stand that sam works and and we looked at the prom dresses for nicole we found a lot of really beautiful dresses. We had to cut the trip short because I had a phone interview back home for my dry dorm which is really cool cuz there are like 25 on the floor and the chances are in my favor on the girl guy ratio cuz the lady said there will be more guys than girls this year and its also good because the different years are mixed in together. so yea I had my mom give them my cell phone number incase I didnt make intime so as I was pulling onto my street I got the call. Today I babysat at 10... did some laundry, talked to friends and later I am going to my friend shannons house... friday- Sunday I have spring convention with my youth group so that seems like fun. Well I will talk to you all later
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