
That roller coaster crashed and is under construction. I never did find that someone to help me up instead... I did it myself. I broke my barrier and ended up in a tilt-a-whirl spinning till I throw up and then once it ends I am going to get back up onto my feet and start the roller coaster all over again. only this time I am going to work my way sideways to keep things steady, I am going to try to anyways I no there will still be ups and downs but right now. I want to work on keeping it in one direction. let it be that I found something I didnt like that crosses off the career choice in the future now I have some other things to cross off. Once thats done I will build the biggest roller coaster ever. a Adult life! interesting I am odd my life the carnival. I just dont want any clowns or side shows or games its a one act show and I am in the center ring, I am the master. just think the world is full of ring master, and clowns and acrabats, what are you? Putting on a show or is it the real thing? your the one to decide.. right?
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