New Years 2

Listening to: All American Rejects
Feeling: loving
Well I hope everyone had a great New Years I know I did. I had a great time at Cristina's party, I haven't seen her in a while and she looked soo cute with her purple hair. Well I messed up my ankle again, my Doctor thinks it didn't heal right in the first place. So I have to go to orthopedixs sometime next week. Even though that happened it did get me over my nervousness that I had. Those like first date nervous feelings, I hate them but I can never seem to get rid of them very easy! Anyway I still had a great time. The girls dressed on of my friends up as a girl. Boy do they have black mail on him for ever lol. We watched some movies, and just had a fun time.
Read 21 comments
ooo, that is horrible! she thought it was funny! wtf?! My sister is really weird. She told my friend - "You don't have to like the person, to date them." Hello?! That is so wrong. My sister thinks I"m the pickiest thing ever, but seriously I just can't find someone that I like back.
i woke up so happy. and i hope this year is like how it was waking up. but then i come home and poof that feelings gone

sorry i didnt have enough space to write everything i wanted hahaha
aww see that would be the best. nate isnt my boyfriend or anything, and i dont even like..have a crush on him or whatever. he is just one of my favorite people. and the place i was at is my faviorite place to be filled with all my favorite people. except for one of my friends who didnt go. it just would have been perfect if she was. maybe too perfect. it would have been a dream. but i loved waking up. i had the best start to the new year.
aw sounds fun. but aww ur foot! im so sorry! haha yeha i went to bed at 8 in the morning and woke up at 11 to nate!!! the first person i see in 2004 is nate. haha im sorry, that makes absolutely no sence if you dont know nate. haha wow. shut up time = now. ;X

im loud.
see i dont understand how people could be. ah, maybe you fall asleep early? i dotn know, i went to bed sooo early last night. ;] it was amazing. but i was exausted from new years eve. ;)
i know its the worst. im too nonfunctional in the morning.
hahaha, yeah *draws a blank* i dont know what to say but i want to say something ;[
im glad u had fun + i hope ur ankle is ok. and no its deffinitly not you who i want to kill. who would i have to dnace with?
yeah my relationships have all been short. But good luck with your's!
Peace out though, I'm gonna leave! have a great day, adn thanks for talking to me!
exactly. I really want to find a long term relstionship where we both care for each other equally. You know? Plus I'm 21, I want to find that someone.
i hope your ankle feels better!!!!!
i sounds like you had a good time
yeah I'm sure I will find that special someone as well. I always felt like my one friend was that special someone cause after he broke up with me I thought about him like 90% of my days. I still do a lot, but the feelings are slowly diminishing. I think I finally realize we wouldn't work out. But I just don't know. Oh well.
that's so sweet! Cute story. :)
Haha nice music....Yes, new year new times, new meories....and honestly I cant wait. Hope this nwe year brings you liots of good times too!
thank you. :D
that's so great. :) I'm sorry someone did that to you though! *ugh* some people are just assholes, I swear. Yay, I'm still waiting for that special person.
Exactly. Its like hello? Why go out with them if you don't have feelings for them? That causes too much emotional stress on everyone, I wouldn't know, cause I've never done that, but I can imagine b/c I have known people to do shit like that.
We are going to run each other comments up real high. haha. :D
yes, yes it is. :D I'm not a heartbreaker, well I could be, in the sense that I don't like a lot of the guys that like me. But I won't be going around messing with anyone's hearts, that's for sure. :D
glad you had a good new years! I would never lead a guy on if I didn't like him. I'm not that way.
i hope so