The Start of agood Day

Listening to: Maroon 5
Feeling: happy
Well yesterday was fun, probably not for Cristina though. She had to get all of her wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. Then I guess she couldn't keep anything down, she wasn't feeling good after she got home. Ahh I am so glad that she is in my life. Anyways I was chatting with her earlier on msn it was nice. I don't know what else I am doing today though. But just chatting with Cristina made my day way better and I can't get this smile off of my face, not to mention how great my heart feels right now. :) I will also be adding some more of my poems later..
Read 6 comments
i lyke that second quote about hearing footsteps from the grave hehe O.C IS THE BEST SHOW!! Rock On! peaceeee :::Lindsay:::
ouch,... she got the ol' wisdom teeth pulled eh... I remember when I got mine pulled, my cheeks swelled up like chipmunks, and I got a bruise across my face. ouchies. Glad you got to talk to her, and that made your day. how sweet. :) I also like the new quotes you put at the top of the page. very nice. :) And yes, I would not try to be with adam again, after what happened. The wrecked me, and I wouldn't let that happen to me again!
wow maroon 5 thats like my fav band, but i have a lot so yeah, and yeah i DO hate loosing my password, i got to get a new one.. i like the way you set up your page:)
Xoxoxox Kaylie
p.s, did you get your pic yet?
OMG your journal is sooo effin cute i love it!
i'm glad you're happy...and i love the oc. and your pictures made me want to make out really really bad. it sucks. that's what i don't like about the alwyas makes me want to mack people...huh
awww thanks hun...who knows what will happen..i try not to think about him hurts too bad:(