WEll lets see some other fears I have gotten over are.... I used to be afraid of deep water, because of all those stupid scary movies like JAWS and stuff when I was a little kid. I used to have stage fright and talking in front of people. I used to be afraid of lmao at this one for like a week i was afraid of toilets all kinds. Because of the movie called IT man that is not good to watch when you are 6. That is pretty much the most of it. I really haven't been scared of too many things. Well gotta run, SeE~yAh 4 now!
hey hunni
how've you been?
i really do need to come back more..
meh i dunno
just messin around on cam hah
i'm doin alright i guess..
have a good weekend
can we say CREEPY?! Oh yes. Some fears are so irrational though,
think of the phobia where people are afraid of the number 8! crazy!