Stupid Dreams

Listening to: All American Rejects
Feeling: sarcastic
Dream Log
Saturday: 9 Dreams, The only thing I could see in all of them were Cristina Sunday: 3 Dreams, Same as Saturday Monday: 1 Dream, Same as Saturday Tuesday: 1 Dream, I could see and actully feel everything, it was so vivd. It also opened up everything I thought I have gotten over. Stupid Dreams! I thought I was finally getting over Cristina but last nights dream opened up everything I was feeling for her. Why do I keep dreaming about her night to night? I really can't deal with this, it hurts way to damn much. My heart again feels soo heavy. While my stomach is in knots, I really miss just talking with her but hay what can I do? I am really trying to move on but these dreams night to night just open everything back up again. Haha last night I actually woke up with tears in my eyes I don't know why but something is trying to tell me something. The dream felt so real and I could see and actually feel everything in the dream. Well just posting my thoughts. SeE~yAh 4 now! ~John~
Read 8 comments
under sex it says girl..just thought you might have accidentally hit that.
dreams I believe come from your subconcious. So were/are you in love cristina? sounds like you might just be.
hee hee...thats better :-D
i'm sure you are. there is no need to question your dreams, you know what they mean.
I'm so sorry john, I hope everythign turns out for the better. Just keep smiling, promise me your will....
hey i always say 'follow your heart!'..did you take that from me? could say yes so i'd feel special:):)..anyway..they say the last thing you think about is what you dream of...maybe you should call and just talk to her..even though it would make things harder..'sadness flies away on the wings of time'...keep that in mind. love you loads!!!
the all-american rejects are awesome!!! stop dreaming about her and go for it..make a move and go for what you want!
hi! i talk to mii self! love alwayz,some kid named jesseca! oh yea do u watch one tree hill ((just wondeirn))