Can't Wait

Listening to: Green Day
Feeling: enchanted
Well today is a busy day. I am weight lifting after school, then I have to head home and wait for Cristina to call. After that we are going to the coffee thing the church has. Ohh I can't wait to see her tonight. It has been 1 week and three days since I've seen her last. I don't know how it is going to be when I go into the Navy. That is going to be tough, being away from her that long. I will only see her like one week and that is during christmas. Well gotta run! SeE~yAH 4 now! ~John~
Read 8 comments
aww youre such a sweet boyfriend to your chicky!! shes such a lucky chick-a-dee...and i dont have msn right now b/c my comp blows booty..i only have AIM.....:(
lol *pout* i dunno if i like it...i might take some pictures today of you know how to put pictures up? or does it have to be like at the top where it shows up in every entry?
awwww! you cant leave me!! :(
its k.. i'mma write you..
but you gotta give me your address when you leave lol kk?
Hmm.. have a good time!
Cheaper by the dozen was such a cute movie hehe i liked it :) I'd be so pissed if the projector broke.. did you at least get your money back 'er somethin??
Well take care babes
huh? my mind is a lil slower than that..:)
ooo, that will be really tough. I hope you guys can make it through that though! About the fling thing, I don't know if I could actually do that type of thing, I've just never been that kind of person. But I've never had as many opportunities as I have recently. haha. we will see.
~janet :)
Oye, I'm so happy your happy with your girlfriend! You guys sound like an awesome couple! And if you've really got a great connection, going away wont be that rough, you guys will make it!
With love,
oh my gosh same here. but luckily today teh guy who drives me dropped me off at the door ;DD yayyyyy