its been awhile!!!!

Listening to: Radio...Tipsy
Feeling: sinful
well...its been like a week since i wrote lol...ive been super busy all week...well as the people that kno me i got a 2nd interview....well i ended up getting the third interview then i got the job!!!! OH YAH!!! lol neways it requires like 8 hours of study time a day...which sucks, but i still went out on saturday and got pissed...i was so drunk i dont remember half of what i did....which usually isnt like me, i always remember what happens...all i kno is we drove some people from thompson MB to their hotel room and the guy gave me like 3 grams to drive was great....i drank like 15 shots of tequila and like 8 beers....i woke up with the worst hangover ever!!! not to mention i have a fukin bad cold.... It was my dads birthday on sunday...he turned the big 44 lol he works at the bar on the weekends so the people at the bar gave him a cake and decorated his little "office" thingy... Today was the way happy turkey day to everyone...also we (by we i mean my bro and i) got some bad brothers best friend heathers b/f was killed...for those of u who live in wpg, u kno that on sundays its cruise night...well from what i heard he was racing, lost control of the car around a corner, and smoked a tree...he died and the passenger is in critical condition...the passenger has broke both his femurs, he broke his spinal cord, i think both his not 100% sure, but from what they say, hes going to be paralized from the neck down....its so unfortunate.... so my words for the day are....dont take life for granted, because u might not be here tomorrow.... R.I.P Scott....
Read 3 comments
Ooo that sucks about that guy, but congrats on getting the job! :)
haha creepy aint the word.
Yeah I have actually noticed that you havn't been on lately, my comments are pretty bare :P
Sounds like a fun night you had!
I wish i had tequilla right now :)
Anyway have a nice early morning...
I'm off to bed, catch ya! :):)
hehe no one has ever offered to beat up the bed bugs for me. :)
Ah i like you being immature and kid-like, kinda how i am.
Its kinda weird because whenever one of my friends would say something dodgy to me today they would say 'not in a creepy way' lol
Oh well will go to bed now :)
love ya (not in a creepy way, lol )