my hands are FrEeZiNg...

my hands are so freakin cold....i dont kno why tho...they've been cold all day, i put them in front of a heater, ive put them on my tummy, in my arm pits on my legs, under hot water and i dont kno why their so cold lol...neways that was another pointless entry =)
Read 10 comments
yeah sure go for it, im gonna assume that i can add you then?

and pointless entries rock. try sitting on them (always works for me) but im going to sleep----- g'night
oh,..then yeah i think thats wrong- if you're gonna smoke, smoke something thats worth the damage.
that works haha
no, I didn't find my cigarettes. that means I've had a loss of 4 € in one day. and I do think your mom is right with saying smoking is wrong, but who cares. I bet your mom eats meat and that is even worse than smoking, so what.
thank you!! I love stars too lol. your diary's cute too!

well have a good day :0)
so were do u live if you dont mind me asking thanks Brit
hey.. i have been freezing all day too. it's probably because i am sick though. i hope you warm up!

-holly brooke
you like the tink eh?...i was just reading one ur last entry..smoking, ciggerettes? or....its not that bad..
hmm that sucks i warm them for ya i got a heating pad and i fat so it work out lol
yeah, it was alil tough about my granpa, more for my dad because he was with him when he died...and it is all about the tink lol