yet another survey thingy...i like these when im bored!!!

----------------INFORMATION------------ -- Name:Chelsea -- Birthdate:january 9th, 1985 -- Current:Winnipeg MB -- Eye Color: blueish green/grey -- Hair Color: Dark brown -- Righty or Lefty: Righty -- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn -- Innie or Outtie: Innie lol -----------------DESCRIBE------------------ -- The shoes you wore today: white and grey etnies shoes -- Your fears: dying, and heights -- Two things you'd like to achieve: eventually have children, and obtain my career -----------------WHAT IS------------------ -- Your most overused phrase on aim? "lol" for sure lol... -- Your thoughts first waking up: i gotto go pee lol --The first feature you notice in the opposite sez? eyes, clothes, shoes -- Your best physical feature: smile -- Your bedtime: uhm..whenever.. -- Your most missed memory: spending time with the people ive lost in tha past -----------------YOU PREFER------------------ -- Pepsi or coke: uhm...either i guess -- McDonald's or Burger King: i dont like mc donalds's ketchup lol -- Single or group dates: cant kiss him on a group date --Adidas or Nike: niether... -- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla -- Cappuccino or coffee: capuccino -----------------DO YOU------------------ -- Smoke: yah -- Cuss: uhhh i dunno lol -- Take a shower everyday: yah lol -- Have a crush(es): all the time lol -- Do you think you've been in love?: yes... -- Want to go to college: yah --Like high school: i did like done now tho -- Want to get married:yes.... -- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: hell i dont pay attention...mostly yah -- Believe in yourself: sometimes -- Get motion sickness: noppers -- Think you're attractive: only on skinny days...girlies u kno what those r lol -- Get along with your parents: uh huh my mom is my best friend -- Like thunderstorms: i love them -- Play an instrument: well i can play drums and accoustic guitar ------------IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU-------------- -- Drank alcohol: uh huh... -- Smoke(d): i am right now lol -- Done a drug: noppers, unless u count alcohol... -- Have Sex: uhhh lol... -- Made Out: i think i did at the bar...well thats what my friends tell me... -- Gone to the mall: yah..sarah works there -- Eaten sushi: ewww yucky... -- Been on stage: nope -- Gone skating: -- Made homemade cookies: no..i made muffins tho -- Been in love: not this month...that was last month lol -- Dyed your hair: that was last month too lol -- Stolen anything: no cant say i have... -----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------ -- Flown on a plane: no lol -- Missed school because it was raining?: no -- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: no... -- Cried during a Movie?: yah...bambi was so sad lol -- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: uhh i dont think so lol -- Had an imaginary friend: i dunno that wouldve been like 17 yrs ago...whoa im old... -- Been on stage?: yup -- Had your hair cut: yes many times -- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: who hasnt played strip poker lol -- Been called a tease: probably -- Gotten beaten up: never been in a fight... -- Been in a fight: same as above lol -- Shoplifted: i didnt my friends did lol -----------------THE FUTURE------------------ -- Age you hope to be married: around 26-29 -- number and age of children: at least 2 im hoping for 3 tho -- Describe your Dream Wedding: i just want all my family and friends to be there...if it were possible, all the people i lost, i wish they would be there too...but thats just a dream... -- How do you want to die?: in my sleep...its the most painless... -- What country would you most like to visit?: well i would love to see europe, i would love to go to italy, and spain... ----------------FAVORITES------------------ -- Shampoo: herbal essences -- Fav Color: PINK!!! -- Day/Night: night for sure -- Summer/Winter: summer sometimes and winter sometimes... -- Lace or Satin: satin...lace is kinda itchy *wink wink* ----------------RIGHT NOW------------------ -- Wearing: tank top and jeans... -- Drinking: tea for my cold -- Thinking about: how much work i hafta do for this new job... -- Listening to: the radio in the background... ---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------ -- Cried: yes -- Worn jeans: i am right now... -- Met someone new online: noppers -- Done laundry: much studying to do -- Drove a car: i drive a car every f*ckin day lol -- Talked on the phone: uh huh...
Read 10 comments
I see... you'd be falling over yerself if you ever went to Ireland.. hehe
Thanks! I thought she was just so damn hot! ^_^
[Anonymous] from Ohio, where are you from?...i just started a new midnight job...i like your AIM - Sluggishbizkit -So...i'll talk to ya later... :)
ya i know meh oh well...and its sme sonya
little mermaid is way better than tink!
Omg! you cried through Bambi too :) That was the first ever movie I went and saw, I cried for hours....ah just thought I'd share that random piece of info :)
love ya
hey... sorry i have't commented in a while. i've been out of town. hope all is well and dude those surveys take forever... ohmigosh. later...
haha ohhh i gotcha then
Well...iv'e been workin a lot it's been a while since i checked you have AIM, or Yahoo, or AIM is the same as my dairy name...see ya on the flipity...*toke*
umm hello cokes better