another QuiZ

ok so i have like a million quizes but heres another one, im friggen bored lol.... UNIQUE 1. Nervous Habits? biting my nails, shaking my leg 2. Are you double jointed? no 3. Can you roll your tongue? yes lol 4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? no ive tried so hard lol 5. Can you cross your eyes? yes 6. Tattoos? uh huh 7. Piercings and where? ears, eyebrow and tongue, although my hoop fell out of my eyebrow like 6 months ago, im sure i could put another one in lol 8. Do you make your bed daily? no, too lazy CLOTHES 10. Which shoe goes on first? uhm..usually my right shoe 11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? i dont think so lol 12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? $30 13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? tongue ring lol 14. Favorite piece of clothing? uhm i dunno FOOD 15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? both i guess 16. Have you ever eaten Spam? eww groose 17. Favorite ice cream flavor? bubblegum, or vanilla 18. How many cereals in your cabinet? i think 3 19. What's your favorite beverage? uhh non alcoholic, probably slurpees, and alcoholic is rye and coke 20. What's your favorite restaurant? uhm Subway, or Boston Pizza 21. Do you cook? well i do, but not very well lol GROOMING 22. How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day 23. Hair drying method? sometimes blow dryer, or sometimes just let it dry, then straighten it, even tho i already have straight hair lol 24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? holy shit, too many times and too many colors to count lol MANNERS 25. Do you swear? yes 26. Do you ever spit? if i have to lol WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE 27. Animal? dog 28. Food? subway probably 29. Month? September/October, i love fall 30. Day? Wednesdays and kno why Zaneta lol 31. Cartoon? Family Guy 32. Shoe Brand? etnies 33. Subject in school? well, break/spares or Fashion 34. Color? Hot pink, blue 35. Sport? does skateboarding count?? if not hockey 36. Tv show? The O.C or CSI 37. Thing to do in the spring? walk around in the rain 38. Thing to do in the summer? go to the beach 39. Thing to do in the fall? Play in the leaves 40. Things to do in the winter? try not to freeze ur fukin ass off lol IN AND AROUND 41. The CD player? burnt cd 42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Sarah 43. Ever taken a cab? yah lol 44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? meh sometimes, i really dont care what i look like lol 45. What color is your bedroom? teal 46. Do you use an alarm clock? yes 47. Window seat or aisle? window man lol LALA LAND 48. What's your sleeping position? on the left side 49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? sometimes, it just doesnt feel right without one lol 50. Do you snore? i dunno lol 51. Do you sleepwalk? no 52. Do you talk in your sleep? yah lol.. 53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yah a teddy bear ive had since i was 2 months 54. How about with the light on? nopers 55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? sometimes the tv...usually i need quiet, unless im wasted lol well...i think i did this one before, oh well it killed time... peacE
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Ah darling =D

Rye and coke is the fucken shit xD

Will email you tonight....and get online.
I'm still