Never the right way...

Listening to: Josh Groban-Closer
Feeling: complicated
yea, so I just got in a big fight with my mom, because I went to the Hand show at Dreher tonight and she came to pick me up. Well, of course, I TOLD her to call me when she got there so I would know when to go to the car, but she didn't call and so she ended up waiting for me for like 15 minutes until I finally went and checked to see if she was there yet. SO, she yelled at me the whole way home and I got sick of it so I yelled back and now we are mad at each other. Isn't life funny the way things like that work? Hm. Now, I am supossed to be cleaning my room, even though I am here instead. Let's see...what happened today. Well, first period was English with Mr. Rowell...BoRiNg as always. Usually, English is my favorite subject but mr. Rowell completely ruins it for me. Second period was math and I got really fed up when Deanna and Marie went off and did their math homework together, leaving me clueless and in the dust. I have no idea how to do that stuff so I had to get Chris to help me. I mean, I know that shouldn't make me mad that Deanna and Marie did their work together. I mean, they told me to go do it with's just...i dunno...I guess I was in a bad mood thinking about how I probably have a B in math and everything. Then we had Geography where we had a test. After that...lunch. Lunch was pretty fun. I hung out with Kendal and Dana and Andy, which was really funny. I made Andy hold my purse while I got my lunch out of my backpack and he looked really funny holding my hot pink purse. Twas quite hilarious! After lunch was drama...hahahaha...what can I say? We had a test today where we had to laugh sincerely for an entire minute. IT was great. I better have gotten a one hundred because I actually was laughing! Then Business Computer Applications...enough said. Finally, the last class of the day...Spanish. Ick. The only amusing part of that class is playing this game that Mia and I made up and it is to mouth words across the room at each other and see if we can figure out what the other person is saying. But, we don't even play it that much because Senorita Rogers always catches us. haha. Well, after school I saw Ms. Larson, because she was in the auditorium setting up for the Hand Kennedy Center show(the one the are taking to the Kennedy Center) and so I said hi. She gave me a hug and I gave her the letter that Deanna and I wrote to her. I hope she likes it. Elizabeth and Meagan got mad at me after school because I made them wait for me before we could walk home. But they really had no reasong to be mad, because I told them that they could leave me, but they insisted on staying and then they left me and then I caught up with was I wrong in that situation? Whatever! Well, then Meagan came over and we ate some cake that Lucy and I made tastes...interesting. Then, Heyward came over and watched T.V. He flat out admitted that he is a pothead today. UGH! I knew it! GRRR. BAD HEYWARD! Then, I went to Barnes and Nobles to get a Spanish English Dictionary...blah blah blah. Later tonight Dana and I went to see the Hand show. It was alright. Our grade could have done better with it, but I didn't just say that. Dana and I are becoming much closer friends. It is really cool. She is one of the most hilarious people I know! haha. We hung out on Saturday and watched the Notebook at Meagan's house which was fun. Dana and I were practically bawling at the end. Ha. I like this sitdiary thing. Every time I write in it, I end up feeling better by the end of the entry than I did when I started it. DUDE...I AM GETTING SO SIKED ABOUT NYC THIS SPRING BREAK!! EEEEK! YAYAY! I CAN'T WAIT! Speaking of that, Kirby was sick today! I hope she feels better soon! Well, I am pretty much done with this. If you finished the entry, two snaps for you. It was a rather random, boring one. bye!
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