Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?

I worked backstage for Annie tonight, because Lori had her surgery today. I LOVE YOU LORI! FEEL BETTER! Anyway, it was not half as stressful as i thought it would be...working backstage I mean. I didn't miss any cues and it was really fun. There were a lot less quick costume changes than in Will Rogers, which was relaxing and ms. Larson (jennifer) brought brownies that were REALLY good! Megan Perry is such a talented little singer and actress. I just wish that I had been into theatre at her age so I would have started voice and dance sooner, you know? I feel like I am so behind and I really just wanna be great at everything and get a lead role in a show sometime soon. But, as I realize, it will probably be a while before something like that ever happens. I just gotta keep working hard at improving my voice and dancing and acting. I can't wait til Heather is Annie tomorrow, because I know she will rock the house! It's fun being able to talk to Ms. Larson and Giulia sometimes. It makes me sad i can only work tomorrow night, but I am really excited about coming to see it closing night...i just gotta hurry and get tickets!! I was supposd to spend the night with Kirby tonight, but they called and started making the plans all confusing so I just sort of bailed out and decided to come home and sleep instead. So, I guess that is what I will go do. I will read first though. I think I am turning into an old person...with all this wanting to sleep and such. Haha. Once again, pray for Lori to get better before she has to go onstage on Sunday!
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