happy fuckin new yr

Listening to: midtown-
Feeling: unhappy
let me just update you.. thursday i went to see frankie. he means the world to me now. i really do care about him. news years friday i went to mikes party. the only reason i went was so i could see him. i ended up gettin a little bit drunk. i didnt mean to. i accently kissed my girls guy. but he was the only one taking care of me when i was throwing up. frankie showed up & he didnt give a shit about me. everyone tried to fight frankie so he left. around this time i noticed my phone was missing. i freaked out. then the biggest mistake of my whole fuckin life happened. mike doesnt even care. yeah i called him 2 different names. but i was drunk. and i would do anything for that boy. i would have broke up with frankie for him. now we have decided that we are just gonna be friends. but i still want him so bad. frankie hasnt called today. he was so pissed about the party. i have school tomorrow & it sucks!!
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tacking back sunday !!!!! dude their cd rocks!!!!!! whats yoru fav. song?
yeah that song rocks!!!! yeah i guess its' awesome cuz ppl get to c you like all over the world !!! man i still love yuor background =)