Message to Indigo

I know were the coat is. Malachi tried to give it to Micheal. Micheal recogniized it and is holding it. I can get it back for you if you would like. As for the playstation I think they might of pawned it for some money as well as well as the games. Stephen can take care of that when he gets out of boot. I'm sure he will be pissed. If you would could you email me your telephone number along with a good time to get ahold of you and I'll fill you in on what I know. The adress is I'll get the coat for you and I'll get what I can of Stephens things. That is what is left of them. Do you know approximately when he will get back form boot. That would be useful. Also tell me what they took and I'll confront them for it. Thats pathetic that he would steal all this stuff and still try to play the victim. Any way gonna stop before I get angry. Later.
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dammit, tis not fairy jibber...i speak in plain english...its not my fault that you have no sense of poetic meanings....okay find i can be a little confusing...but not jibber