I almost hate my life

My job sucks. I make tacos. I hate tacos. But i have not car so i continue to make tacos. I have massive amounts of debt. Atleast compared to my minimal income. I am tired all the time and have problems sleeping at night. My work life is one of constant stress and intense contradictions. Like say Tuesday. I got written up basically for having a bad day. I was then given 5 days to improve my horrible and consistantly horrible attitude ajusted or i would be out of a job. Well i told my boss to fuck off. I say right through his bluff. I just told his new manager/mistress off cause she was being a bitch and once again telling me how to do the job i have been doing for 9 months 30+ hours a week. Its just gets on my nerves when a new boss comes in and tell s me how to do my job or explains to me how to do my job when i was the one that taught her how to do it in the first place. Blah blah blah...i just need a new job that atleast stimulates my mind...vs leaving me in a brain dead coma most of the time. Well to make my rant about work move on again. hehe. Now an amazing 2 days later...I am the best emplaoyee ever and they dont know what they would do with out me and all my hard work. Minus a sad attempt to maybe boost my moral. It pissed me off like no other. I get written up and almost fired for not "not" working hard enough. Not having a consistent work ethic and not showing enough enthusiasm in my work day. Blah blah blah...it was a big long write up. Thne to top it off...So now i am the best employee ever and awesome. But 2 days again i was about to get fired. I havent changed my work ethic. As a matter of fact thursday i felt like shit and was complaining about having to move all day. Doing worse then i do on most days and continuallty taking long and drawn out breaks. Then be told how good i wAs doing. and now as a work like i do every day and will continue to work till i find a jon that pays more and has less stress or more even as long as it pays more. and they wonder why i have no work ethic. hehe...oh well...i hate my job and i am poor as hell. But atleast i have a wonderful girlfreind who i love very much and apparently love me more then i love her. Or so she says :P. That makes it all seem okay for a bit longer. Hopefully that feeling will last.
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Hmm... apply at Walmart? It isn't that far fom you and I nknow they're hiring and you'd get prolly better py and ebenfits. Just be careful with teh survey thingy on the application. I think I'm not getting hired because of my answers. :/ Take care!

well good luck on the job search and good luck with the girl