got fired

stupid site cancelled my previous rant when it i tried to save it. Since i already ranted it all out, i will do the abreviated version. i got fired for gay reasons, basically they took away my abilty to keep busy. They put me on full time phone troublshooting with the cable company that Sprint works orders for and maintains. i got fired for not looking busy when the head sup of our team came out of a meeting. I was on hold with a call and was flipping through a book while i was wating. leaning back in my office chair relaxing for a minute ... while on hold trouble shooting. I was on hold for about 5 mintutes. apparently i should of been looking busy. i got taken off hold. Said goodbye cause the call was done and got back to work. the sup had sat downn in the chair by the table in my cube and i had a breif chat asking him how his vacation was and stuff. i even asked if they had anything they were going to assign to us phone people since call volumes were low and w were not all that busy day to day. it was about 1:30 went to lunch for my hour that I am scheduled 1/2 hour later like i am supposed to went back to work and they came up to fire me when i was helping anohter person with a call they had gotten and werent sure what to do with. All in all it was gay. I got escorted out of the building told I was doing a sucky job...which counters the point of ur doin a good job of last week that i got. i am working with the contracting agency to get another job in sprint. It really pissed me off that i got fired for not working "enough" when earlier that day i did close to 200 cancel orders and 50 disconnect orders which i can guarantee is a lot more then the rest of the phone did that same day. matter of fact I was usually the first person to volunteer for something extra to do cause i was bored with having nothing to do. In a odd kinda way its actually good cause now i will get a new job with a much nicer sups, since i was warned when i took this job that they were pricks. The best part of it all was that most of the people i worked with expectted me to get hired on full time. Well guess they were wrong oh well. i have jury duty on monday and hopefully i wont get selected for a case . that would not be a good thing right now. but it might happen specially since i just lost my job and that means i am availible for cases with less adverse affect on my job. Well fuck it all. Atleast i have a grand put back so i can pay the bills
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