Message to Indigo

Read your poem. It was good. A little vage. Clear to enlighten the audience to how you interpret your writting. I'm torn between a martyr sacrifice or one out right dead person. I'm not exactly sure. It is a good poem though. Just was wanting the authors perspective.
Read 3 comments
Well I put my thougts on one of the comments, but for just for you (aren't you special) I will elaborate...over and over again I have seen silhouttes of Malachi and BJ leaping and one of them falling today i deciede that i would stand between them...but it was a sort of vision, so the outcome is unclear
Although thats just the third verse, the first is the sealing of the fey, and the second the gathering. I had to put my visions and thoughts into written form.
cool thats what I thought. Thanks, that helps the poem make more sense. It really does. And yes malachi and BJ will face each other one day. It is kinda sad but it will happen. BJ balmes malachi for a lot of his problems and Malachi blaims BJ for stuf too. Its good to see your abiltiy to see into the future is growing