Bills Suck

Well im bored and when i think about it I really dont want to remember this day. bUt hey. Maybe it wil make me smile or cry when i look at it in the future. IM bored as hell. And im not really talkitive. But hey. My life is so boring. I wake up go to work and talk to kelly and go to sleep. Talking to kelly is nice. Work is tedious and sleep is restless at best. But atleast by the end of this month I will finally be at the point were I am no longer drowning in debt. But will be able to actually keep my head afloat. One should never have to make the descicion to over draft there account cause its a bit less then the late fees for the bills. Thats just not right. Ive been pretty much putting my enite pay checks for the last 9 months directly into all my bills. Now after 9 months. Numerous attempts to gjust give up and dissappera. A deep deep depression and now after all this I am finally able to actually have some money for the things i have been neglecting to just barely make it by. So hopefully sometime next month I will be able to buy some new clothes. Hit the clubs and do something fun befor eI am to old to enjoy it stilll. Which better be damned old. I have been neglecting myself and my needs for too long. Its kinda startling to think that actually in a few weeks I will be able to do something. Finally get a new pair off shoes. Enjoy a night out. OMG what the hell will i do. The last time I did any thing fun was my birthday and i onoly got to do that cause i happened to conviently and to my supirse find a 20 year old bond that my parents forgot about. But even then that was clouded by sorrow since my sister tried to commit suicide and narrowly failed. So a time when my life is actually starting to look good. I am almost able to start living it once again. The wait is going to kill me. And the worst part is I dont know what i am going to do once it happens. Its been so long since i have been able to enjoy the stuff I used to love doing. And this time around I can hit the clubs when its not teen night. HEHEHE well atleat things are starting to look better. MAybe Ill make Westport my new best freind. Maybe I ll decide i like being bored and such. But I soubt that.
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Ooh! Ooh! Can we hang out? Pwease? Umm... I'll make you have fun. Or something... *shrug* Call me!
